I was once where you are now......

ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
It was 6 years ago when I decided enough was enough. I was tired of feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. I was making up excuses of why I couldn't go on vacations with my family because it meant I'd have to wear shorts and a tank top!!! I NEVER showed my arms! Ever! And I used to live in Arizona! I was wearing jeans and t-shirts in 117 degree weather! Very uncomfortable!

My 30th b-day was approaching and I knew I had to change. I wasn't going to spend another b-day feeling like this. However, I was not comfortable going to the gym or even walking outside at the park. So, I started walking inside, using Leslie Sansone DVD's. I loved them and the fact that I could do them in the comfort of my own home. Then, I was ready for a change. I started P90X and lost 20lbs my first round! I was hooked!

See, as a kid, I was always overweight and I did anything to get out of gym class........anything! I never in a million years would've thought that health & fitness would become my passion and now, my career! I love to pay it forward and help others who I know are in the same spot I was 6 years ago. Who aren't comfortable going to the gym, or going outside to exercise. I want to help those people because I know that everyone has the potential to be the best they can be!

Feel comfortable enough to share your story, your struggles, your successes!


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