Wrapping my mind around it...

So I'm finally going to give into it. I have been on my weight loss journey since January and lost -44lbs on nutrition alone. A month ago I started working out and have plateaued (even gained a few pounds back).

Well I have been very frustrated over this past month, working super hard on nutrition and exercise and seeing NO results on the scale. My water weight is great and my fat percentage hasn't budged at all (I know all of this because I weigh in on a Tanita at a weight loss center). My weight loss consultants don't even know what to do with me because they've never had someone throw in intense exercise in the middle of their program.

However, I have never eaten back my exercise calories and I truly know this MUST be why. So today I began the journey of eating those calories and boy am I full. I ate SO much today and I'm still under what MFP suggests by 299 calories.

Has anyone had a similar experience? Did eating back your exercise calories make all the difference?

(I'm here for support please!)


  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Do you have a controlled diet program? How did you eliminate "eating maintenance calories" as a potential reason for not losing weight?
  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    Are you lifting weights? If you're putting in some muscle you could weigh the same (or more) and still drop your body fat %
  • I followed a Metabolic plan with very restrictive guidelines up until today. I have now shifted my program to follow the same basic guidelines, but have added certain healthy foods back into my diet (i.e. peanut butter, almond milk, etc.). I am now trying to focus on the calorie intake and if I need to add more food add foods that still are outlined on my plan.

    (Before today I was still religiously following my Metabolic plan while exercising 5-6 times a week (burning 600-800 calories). I was in a major calorie deficit which is why I believe I plateaued so severely so quickly).
  • Are you lifting weights? If you're putting in some muscle you could weigh the same (or more) and still drop your body fat %

    Yep, lifting weights a lot! I increase every week and am really seeing muscle tone developing. However, my fat percentage isn't budging which is frustrating. I know that I am gaining muscle though!
  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    Maybe you are retaining water... I don't know, but if you are eating healthy and exercising, I believe you're good to go :)
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Tracking your calories with MFP will probably help shed light on the matter, regardless of eating back exercise calories. I'd recommend a food scale at least for a while, if you're not using one.

    Eating back exercise is intended with the MFP default method. As long as you aren't putting in and eating back very large numbers, you should be fine. Good luck!