Need buying advice for Wii Fit

Hi there ... Really want to get into the Wii Fit but have no idea what to buy. I'm guessing I need the entire Nintendo game system to support the game module?

So ... Nintendo game system, Wii Fit game, balance board ... ? Any idea what I should spend? And is buying used a good idea with this kind of thing?

Any (kind) advice?


  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    They seem to be available used for very little money now so buying used would seem to be the way to go.
  • You will need the Nintendo system, the wii fit board and controllers. We have had ours for years and I have asked my husband to
    set it up in a room where I can access it easier. I remember when I first started using it there was a setting that counted you through steps, just up and down but it's all work and moving and that is what matters. Some of the core balance games are fun and I love watching the kids use it rather than sitting there just using a controller.

    I am sure you will find tons that are used at a good price, we are just not ready to let go of ours -- I am sure the grandkids will love our "old" technology when the time comes LOL
