Diet Shame- Brain Fart

islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I just had a thought. To me it is profound.(becuase I had it) I have always been ashamed to admit I was watching what I am eating. I am afraid of the judgment that goes along with it. People wondering if I will stick to it, or commenting on my diet choices.
One of the reasons I have a problem with weight is because I am surrounded with overweight people and their bad eating habits. I have always been interested with healthy food, but I let their way of eating effect me.
No longer. I am going to be proud of eating healthy, and eating a propperly portioned meal. Even if this means that I take half home with me at every restaurant. I am going to be proud of being health conscious and I will let the results speak for themselves. Maybe instead of the reverse, my healthy choices may effect how they eat.
Has anyone else experienced this?


  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    nutshel -- Yes. I have found that since I've taken the first steps toward a healthier lifestyle (healthier food choices & exercise daily) and others have started seeing the results, many of my friends and family have since jumped on board and started their own healthier habits. In turn, their friends and family may or may not take their lead -- it's a whole chain reaction! Keep up the positive, healthy lifestyle and others will follow -- just because of the positive results they see in your life. Congrats on taking those first bold steps toward living outside the "box"! :)
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Everyone around me is happy and supportive and I "dieting". I tell everyone and tell them how much loss etc, I have never been ashamed to be eating good
  • Yes I can definitely relate! I grew up in a house where if you wanted or were craving a cake, you'd bake it. Then you'd have the rest of it laying around to eat. (my family's worst eating habit!) You have to do what's right for you, regardless of what other people say or do. Congratulations for unleashing that more confident you!

    Also, it will affect how they eat. I find since my diet change, my boyfriend is slowly changing his eating habits, my brother his, and my mother sees me as her challenge. She needs to lose weight to try to be less than me. (although I'll probably always be the one with less weight, b/c I have age and energy on my side...:)) What you do affects those around you!
  • think I had the opposite problem :ohwell: have struggled with my weight for years and could never work out why. I've always eaten really healthily: no meat, wheat or dairy, no processed food, etc and never ate very much. A month ago I stumbled upon Diet chef and discovered my "problem" was simple....I wasn't eating enough!!
    So many people assume if you're overweight it must be cos you sit around all day and do nothing but eat junk so I always felt guilty when i felt hungry. You know " can't be hungry, I'm fat and I only ate 5 hours ago!". I've struggled to build up to eating 1500 cals a day and realise, left to my own devices, I was eating around 900 a day. Now, as soon as I start to feel hungry, I eat something...just a little, healthy something, along with 3 proper meals a day and I've lost 6lbs :smile:
    In future, I'll just allow myself to eat when I'm hungry. Sounds so stupid're all allowed to agree!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    In future, I'll just allow myself to eat when I'm hungry. Sounds so stupid're all allowed to agree!

    I do agree. At times because of food allergies, I couldn't eat much and my metablolism adjusted. It took a decade to discover I am celiac and now I can eat a normal-ish again. I used to think that once you upset the metabolism you where doomed for life, but as you discoved you can re-set. Good for you.
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