Getting back on track!



  • connieleavens
    connieleavens Posts: 31 Member
    Feel free to add me. Been logging 141 days now and the last couple of weeks have been hell. I am feeling hungry all the time and have a way harder time with eating. I have lost about 45 and have 10-15 to go to get to a good weight. Seems like when I hit 145 my motivation was suddenly non-existent.
  • im back here after a couple of months off anyone feel free to add me
  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    December will be my 2 year anniversary for MFP. I've logged in everyday! MFP has really helped me to reach my goals. I met goal in May, then while trying to maintain over the summer, I put a few pounds back on. So I'm back in the losing mode. Need to lose 5-10 lbs to get back to where I was.

    Feel free to add if you would like. Best of luck!
  • I have just started MFP after losing weight before with Slimming World, but have put to much back on - so back to the diet. I also could do with support!
  • lannabelle
    lannabelle Posts: 85 Member
    Hi, I think all of us can benefit from as much support as we can get. When so many things tempt you off course throughout your day, it's nice to have the MFP community to remind you of what your long-term goals are. Sending you a friend request :)
  • 1985Andy
    1985Andy Posts: 161 Member
    Great support so far! Really glad I made this post. Thanks everyone :)