Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract

Hi Everyone :)

I've been doing well on my weight loss journey and I never took any supplement for my diet. As I am 47 lb from my ideal weight goal, I feel desperate to boost my metabolism or increase my weight loss being more than a pound or half a pound a week like it has been for the last month or so. So...today I took my pure green coffee bean extract that I got from GMC a few months back. I felt skeptical about the natural pills as if they really work. I know I eat in way I should to lose weight for myself,and I lack exercise at the moment due to college taking over my hours to squish in Gym or home exercises. I make sure I consume a lot of water daily :)

Well, my questions are : "Does green coffee bean extract really work?". "Is there anyone that uses it for their weight loss journey?". " "Is there other natural pills that may be more effective or I can combine them together?"

Thank you for your time and advice <3


  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    You've done well. Just stick to a calorie deficit and exercise.
    Don't fall for the supplement gimmicks. They are unproven.
  • I've used green coffee bean extract and raspberry ketone supplements they don't work, well I should say they didn't work for me, I fall for all the diet adverts and still don't learn my lesson, currently rubbing loreal toning cream on myself for all I know it could be lard I'm rubbing in. :smile:
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Gypsy snake oil doesn't work for anyone in the long term. That's why it's effective marketing. Keeps em coming back for more.
  • Thanks everyone :) I'll just take it for a week or so to see, but it doesn't work then it doesn't work.
  • Sarag78
    Sarag78 Posts: 84 Member
    I too have started taking these! I have been taking them for about a week in addition to my diet and exercise plan. Now, I think only a week is too soon to really judge whether on not they are actually doing anything for actual FAT loss. That said, I will say that the one thing I do notice them doing for me is appetite suppressent. Not, to say that I don't get hungry, but I don't feel as snacky as I usually do. I work at a place where people are constantly bringing treats in, and this week has been FAR easier to turn them down and walk away. Could just be the 3 weeks of clean eating finally catching up, and may even just be a placebo effect. But, as far as I'm concerned, what ever works to help me stay on track is worth it to me!!! Good luck and keep us posted on how they are working for you!!!
  • I will make sure let you know :)
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    I bought the green coffee extract last spring, took it for awhile, didn't do much. I wasn't working on my diet at the time. The extract might work some, but I think diet and exercise would work a lot better.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Whatever you decide to take, you'll probably have to take it forever if it works, and that's a problem! Well, I could see trying pills to go quicker, but seriously everyone I know who found pills that helped also gained the weight back when they stopped taking them. They took stimulants, basically.

    For some folks, supplements that help with insulin sensitivity (herbs, typically) might be a good idea to include in their health regimen forever. Better is to eat low glycemic, of course. But you'd have to have an insulin sensitivity problem for that to work.

    Stimulants may work for everyone, but they are not an appropriate long-term addition to anyone's diet, imho. I don't know where green coffee bean falls; I haven't looked at the research. If it does it by insulin and it helps, go for it, imho. That system really can wear out and lead to diabetes.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    You know what works for sure and is free?

    Eating less and moving more.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    ^^^ :) And eating as if you are diabetic. Then you know you're good. I agree :)
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Well, my questions are : "Does green coffee bean extract really work?". "Is there anyone that uses it for their weight loss journey?". " "Is there other natural pills that may be more effective or I can combine them together?"
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Well, my questions are : "Does green coffee bean extract really work?". "Is there anyone that uses it for their weight loss journey?". " "Is there other natural pills that may be more effective or I can combine them together?"

  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Any "natural" product will not work in a week. You need to take a loading dose for a certain amount of time before going down to the regular dose. And you need to check for side effects before mixing any supplements, natural or man-made. That's just my experience in researching natural supplements, extracts, and herbs that are used in eastern medicine.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Any "natural" product will not work in a week. You need to take a loading dose for a certain amount of time before going down to the regular dose. And you need to check for side effects before mixing any supplements, natural or man-made. That's just my experience in researching natural supplements, extracts, and herbs that are used in eastern medicine.

    It's green coffee extract. It doesn't do anything except make your bank account thinner.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Any "natural" product will not work in a week. You need to take a loading dose for a certain amount of time before going down to the regular dose. And you need to check for side effects before mixing any supplements, natural or man-made. That's just my experience in researching natural supplements, extracts, and herbs that are used in eastern medicine.

  • I started taking both the Raspberry Ketone and the Green coffee bean extract on Saturday. I know they might not work, and most likely won't work forever. I wanted a little jump start so to speak. Its 4 days later, and I am down 6 lbs. I realize this is most likely water weight. I have also adjusted my diet. They have most certainly curbed my appetite. Which makes it easier for me to stay away from the junk food and easy go to foods for more healthy choices. I plan to get back into my work out routine as well. Overall, I think they are working for me. I won't be able to give an absolute, cause I have only been taking them for 4 days, and I have modified my eating habits, and will have started working out again. I am going to take them for 30 days. I will post back as I go with the results.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    You know you can get those very same results without all the money grab gimmicks, just saying'
  • PS.. A few years ago I tried Healthe Trim. It was GREAT! IT did work for me! I lost wieght. Like I said its been a few years since I did take it. But I liked the way I felt taking it. I wasn't jittery, nor did I feel any crashes at the end of the day. My over all attitude also was much more upbeat and positive. SO why change? well, after reading tons on the Green coffee bean and Raspberry ketones, I thought, well, maybe these will work faster, and they are less expensive, so why not give them a try? At the end of the 30 days depending on the results I get, I will either continue with these two products, or back to the other one I knew worked for me.
    Of course, these are just to help jump start the over all eat healthier and work out process.
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    Any "natural" product will not work in a week. You need to take a loading dose for a certain amount of time before going down to the regular dose. And you need to check for side effects before mixing any supplements, natural or man-made. That's just my experience in researching natural supplements, extracts, and herbs that are used in eastern medicine.


    Ha... perfect!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I started taking both the Raspberry Ketone and the Green coffee bean extract on Saturday. I know they might not work, and most likely won't work forever. I wanted a little jump start so to speak. Its 4 days later, and I am down 6 lbs. I realize this is most likely water weight. I have also adjusted my diet. They have most certainly curbed my appetite. Which makes it easier for me to stay away from the junk food and easy go to foods for more healthy choices. I plan to get back into my work out routine as well. Overall, I think they are working for me. I won't be able to give an absolute, cause I have only been taking them for 4 days, and I have modified my eating habits, and will have started working out again. I am going to take them for 30 days. I will post back as I go with the results.