Knee pain

Hello. I have been doing the 30ds and currently on level 1 day 7. Around day 5 I noticed doing side lunges my knees really hurt, mostly my right knee. Then when I did day 6 I couldn't do jumping jacks or jump rope. The impact was pretty painful. So I did butt kicks and moved my arms instead. For some reason putting weight on both legs at the same time is much worse than rotating legs. Then as I was going down the stairs last night my right knee have out and I almost fell. Thankfully I didn't have my baby in my arms. My knees are pretty sore. More than sore actually. Let me say this does not feel like the soreness I had after day 1 and 2 when my muscles were getting stronger. This feels like a ligament kind of on outer side of the knees.

Does anybody know if continuing could cause damage? Or is it something I can modify and get through? I am not sure if is related or not but I had SPD when pregnant and my hips still bother me sometimes. I was told my ligaments could still be a bit lose since I am breastfeeding. The pain is similar when doing hard impact, it is something I cannot push through, the pain too great. Or it could something else all together.

If anybody has any advice I would love to hear it, thanks in advance!


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Does anybody know if continuing could cause damage?

    It could cause more damage, yes. The best thing to do is find out what exactly is going on with your knee, by seeing a sports doctor or orthopedist, then possibly seeing a physical therapist for rehab exercises.

    Try backing off from all activities that cause knee pain for 2-3 weeks, then add them back *slowly*, starting with small doses and increasing a little each workout. Joints are slower to adapt and heal than muscles.
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Thanks. I am still doing the 30ds but I stopped doing jumping jacks, I do butt kicks with my arms moving instead. My knees still hurt but it isn't nearly as painful. I am trying to pay close attention to my form when doing any lunges. My doctor away on holidays and I highly doubt he will send me a specialist. If he did it would probably be a 6 month out more wait.

    Once I am done doing this program I am going to take a break. Then when the pain is gone I will try adding in exercises slowly to see i can figure out what it that is causing the pain.