HELP! What's next?? About done with Insanity.

I'm two weeks away from Insanity and about 8lbs away from goal weight. I'm not sure what to do next. I don't know if I should do another round of Insanity, P90X, Asylum, go back to running...I would really love to add weights because that seems what everyone says is good for you, but I'm not even sure where I'd start. I have a gym membership, but the weights area and people there intimidate me. I'd love a personal trainer, but no money. I have some hand weights at home.

Any suggestions on what to do next?


  • Spend an entire evening watching youtube videos of people lifting then just head to the gym, that's what I did. When it was quiet I got the guy who's working there just to check I was doing stuff right. Once you've been a few times and know what you're doing it's not intimidating at all.
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    My gym has weight machines.
    I kept watching people on them until I felt like I knew what to do.
    Plus the weight machines tell you what you need to do on them.
    That is how I am starting.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    P90X is weights isn't it?
  • Denise1224
    Denise1224 Posts: 150 Member
    At my gym the trainers / staff will show you how to use any equipment at no charge. Afterall they don't want you getting hurt while you're there even though they made you sign a liability waiver.... still brings bad press if they let someone get hurt... just ask one of the staff at your gym to run through the weights and machines with you once - good luck and congrats on being soo close to goal!!!
  • DanaeMonique
    DanaeMonique Posts: 41 Member
    I would go back to running because your body is use to Insantiy and you may not loose your next 8lbs, for that reason :)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Lift! Look into New Rules of Lifting or Strong Lifts or another program. You can check out You-Tube for quick videos on form. Try to use mostly freeweights rather than machines. And, depending on the gym, you may be able to ask for a quick form check from a trainer.

    And don't be intimidated by the guys working out in the weights area. Most of them are nice guys who would be willing to answer a quick question or even spot you. And they probably either like seeing a girl actually lifting, or don't pay enough attention to who's there to care (they're focusing on their own workouts, not checking out the competition, lol).
  • markpmc
    markpmc Posts: 240 Member
    Do you have the Insanity Deluxe version? That comes with a great upper body weight workout.
    I settled on Rushfit as my after Insanity workout. 45 min workouts including the warm up and cool down!

    As you mentioned P90X would be great. Sounds like you're close to your goal so do the classic schedule.

    The gym. Check out the Live Fit Trainer on Seems like a great program targeted @ women.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    wouldn't worry about the guys in the weight area,

    1- they are preoccupied with their own lifting so they wont notice you
    2- most will help you if you ask (form check, spotting, removal of weights on bar, waiting for bench)
    3- I've had "big" guys compliment me on the amount I can lift and push me to lift heavier =)

    now there are some jerks, that inevitable...but for every 1 *kitten* there are 10 nice guys/girls
  • mikenelson20
    mikenelson20 Posts: 44 Member
    I have just finished my Insanity today and was going to start a round of P90X. I have done P90X before and you really do increase your strength. I also like it because it is a fairly fast paced program so you also get some of the cardio results as well. Knowing what Insanity has done to me thou, I will replace a couple of the P90X cardio workouts with Insanity workouts from time to time. I think you will find the P90X cardio quite easy.

    For P90X you need barely any equipment. Some resistance bands will work, but I use dumbbells. I have read from lots of people that they find they just get better results. You can pick them at anywhere and are not to expensive. I bought some Bowflex dumbbells. They are adjustable and better yet, take up barely any room in the basement. Picked my up on sale at Amazon. And a pull-up bar, and you can get them anywhere. Good luck.
  • I went right to T25 after Insanity. I had considered doing another round of Insanity, but I was ready for a change. :o) T25 fit the bill perfectly! I was very pleased with my Insanity results, but the long workouts were getting to me. 25 minutes = no excuses! I have 5 weeks left and then I'm going to start ChaLEAN Extreme because I want to incorporate more weights (T25 has some). I have a gym membership, too, but don't use it anymore as I like working out at home better. I push myself harder.
  • So glad you posted this! Asked the same question yesterday I think but didn't get any responses :(. Anyway I know people rave about moving onto P90X or doing an Insanity/P90X hybrid, but it gets kind of lonely after a while of working out at home.

    Do you guys have any ideas of workouts or a combination of workouts that could match the intensity of Insanity? I was contemplating Crossfit but heard so many mixed reviews I am a little bit hesitant.