New to the gym world

Hi there,

I have just recently decided, after many failed tries at losing weight on some sort of fad diet, to do this properly and monitor my calories, and get my butt to the gym. So last week I joined a gym, and I have been going just about every day. The only thing is, is I have no idea what I should be doing there!!! Can anyone maybe lead me in the proper direction? Maybe a website or something that gives me different work outs for different days? I want to be reaching my full potential in the time that I am spending there, and don't want to look clueless while I am doing it. Thanks in advance for any help :-)


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Consider either New Rules of Lifting for Women or Stronglifts 5x5 (you can find a lot of information for either by searching the forums). Both are good beginner lifter programs that walk you through what you need to do. I am going to Stronglifts program and using the Jefit app to track my weights (it's a nice program that allows you to create your routine on your computer then download it to your phone, and it has gifs of proper form for reference).