Upping protein without shakes...Help a girl out, will ya? :)

After an awesome discussion yesterday about my stubborn body's unwillingness to dump some weight (thank you so much for the conversation, suggestions, and civility!), I'm now sitting here thinking how on god's green earth am I going to raise my protein without the use of protein shakes (personal preference, but open to being swayed otherwise :drinker: ) or consuming lots and lots of bacon (because of the fat content, not because it isn't delicious. plus, i hate cooking it, lol)

I've noticed that I'm good on dinner. It's easy enough to pick a chunk of whatever meat and pair it with sensible sides. What I'm having trouble with is accumulating protein throughout the day via snacks and other meals.

I'm trying to hit around 160g of protein a day and not go above 45g fat, so gnawing on ribeyes all day isn't an option, although it sure sounds tasty. Suggestions for what to keep on hand to hit those numbers would be fantastic. Eggwhite scramble in the morning is great, but not something I want to do on a daily basis, so breakfast suggestions that don't revolve around eggwhites would be great. I'm not opposed to hard boiling those bad boys and tossing the whites in my salads for lunch, but eggs for breakfast every day gets old quick.

Thanks in advance!


  • missbrendalynn
    missbrendalynn Posts: 74 Member

    I can't stand the taste of protein shakes and the smell of red meat so my protein intake is pretty low too :sad:

  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    Chicken, tuna, quinoa, tofu, & black beans! I eat meals with these weekly and they are packed with protein!

    I think you'll find yourself able to eat eggs every morning if you prepare them differently. Try omelets, scrambles packed with veggies, and fried egg on toast. Here's an awesome recipe to get you started: http://www.idowhatiwantthor.com/2013/04/breakfast-for-dinner.html
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    I don't mind the taste of the right protein shake, I'm just trying to avoid them because it doesn't seem very 'natural'. Surely one can achieve a high protein intake without having to resort to protein shakes, no? Like I said, I'm happy to be swayed otherwise! As for red meat.....I love me some red meat :D I love meat, period. It just feels weird to have a constant supply of cooked chicken tenderloin sitting around to munch on all day, LOL! That might be part of my problem, though.....maybe that IS proper, and because I'm accustomed to eating like crap, it just feels weird? I don't know, but I'm certainly open to suggestions of this fine community :happy:
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    that link right there is what I'm talking about. Mmmmmm!!!!
  • ejcg4mine
    don't forget milk has 8g protein, greek yogurt has 8g protein, almonds have protein. :smile:
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I actually like protein shakes. You can add all sorts of things to them and they're really good. I like adding a banana to mine! Add some ice cubes and it's like a milk shake! Don't knock them until you try them!

    However, if you choose not to indulge in protein shake goodness, there's lots of things you can eat. Greek Yogurt is a fantastic source, peanut butter, cottage cheese, regular cheese, tofu, black beans, lima beans, eggs etc.

  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    Protein Shakes, protein bars, powdered peanut butter (way less calories than normal peanut butter but just as much protein) and it mixes well with protein shakes. Look for higher protein foods, i eat sprouted almonds, found them at the organic market near me, but they are less calories then normal almonds but just as much protein. I mean if you find anything let me know, but I haven't found anything that wasn't protein dense that wasn't also calorically dense. (With in reason, I mean i think a 200 Calorie for 20g of protein out of Pure protein bar is a pretty good trade.) But with some of the shakes you can get 25g of protein for only 130 Calories.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Greek yogurt and cottage cheese are two other options. Are you opposed to protein powders too? Just curious because the shakes would require the powders. If not, there are a ton of recipes out there that are delicious but do require powder to up the protein levels. I add some vanilla powder to plain greek yogurt to make it taste delish and up the protein levels. If you don't mine "supplements" either, Quest bars are really delicious and have 20g of protein and 17g of fiber which is a win win.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    I had a killer pumpkin smoothie this morning. 0% fat Greek Yogurt, pumpkin puree, honey, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, and ice. 17g protein, mmmmmm :D
  • rdh830
    I find that greek yogurt gives a decent amount of protein and I don't believe it has much fat in it...(don't quote me on that) but you can also try mixing that with a variety of nuts and there are some granola mixes that have a high count of protein. Hope that helps!:smile:
  • Nikachelle
    Nikachelle Posts: 66 Member
    Could it just be the kind of protein powder you're using? I got lucky and really loved the first one I bought. However, I've heard horrible experiences of people being totally revolted by the ones they've bought.
  • michellechawner
    don't forget milk has 8g protein, greek yogurt has 8g protein, almonds have protein. :smile:

    My greek yogurt has 11 g - Yoplait blended Greek - it says new on the container, so much be a new thing they are trying.

    Also, protein shakes are fine for you. I typically have 5-6 a week, and raw protein - so dairy free, egg free, gluten free... and I can read all the ingredients on the label...
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    Not sure if that was directed to me or the person who said they hate protein powders. For me, I don't mind them, I just don't want to use them if I can up my protein using actual food. :)

    Your eyeshadow is pretty :)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Cheese is how I get most of my protein. And I have bread with 5g of protein per slice. I'm still under, though. In fact, I'm starting to try protein powders since my intake is so low. Quest bars are good, but I can't eat one every day.
  • ryans5050
    ryans5050 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm a fan of canned chicken or canned tuna myself for a meal. A full can of canned chicken (like the Daily Chef - Premium Chunk Chicken Breast In Water) is 60g of protein. Throw in two hard boiled eggs and some mustard to flavor and mix it up. I've even been doing some with Frank's Buffalo Sauce at 0 extra cals. You just have to watch the sodium.
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    And I mean if you want to get technical and trying to try natural, they make super expensive fancy "organic gluten free proteins" but you know what else is organic and gluten free, Cocaine, Uranium and Lead so don't let the buzz words sway your choice, alcohol isnt natural, if you put anything in your coffee other than black its not natural, and if you don't drink coffee or alcohol well then you win.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    Check out PROBAR CORE Protein bars. You can't taste the protein at all. The Mint Chocolate is my favorite and they are 20g protein for 280 calories. They are quite filling too.

    I also like Calnaturale Svelte Cappuccino Organic protein drinks. They are delicious and taste like a coffee drink. 16g protein for 260 calories. You can get a case of them for under $15 at Vitamin World.

    I also eat tuna/salmon packets for snacks during the day.
  • samammay
    I put a full can of tuna on a salad every day for lunch. IIRC that is 30g of protein right there.
  • captmiddy
    captmiddy Posts: 147 Member
    Greek Yogurt. If you want a double bang, get chocolate protein powder and blend it in with plain greek yogurt. 1/2 serving of EAS chocolate protein powder plus 150g of non-fat greek yogurt is about 165 calories but provides a very good amount of protein (approximately 29g). If you want more chocolate flavor add a little powder choco (1 TBSP = 5 calories). I find this better than any of the commercial chocolate yogurts I have tried.

    As a vegetarian I sort of live for greek yogurt and cheese :)
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    Cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, chicken, fish, other lean meats, edamame, nuts, protein bars...