sugar in fruit?

Hi everyone! I eat a great amount of fruit throughout the day and ALWAYS go over my sugar intake because of this, I've lost 30 pounds since may eating like this so I suppose it's not affecting my weight loss, I was just wondering if this is okay?


  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Its fine. MFP sets sugar really low, and unless you have a medical condition, there isn't a real reason to track it. If you track carbs, tracking sugar is redundant.

    Sugar that isn't in fruit, however, will change you DNA, lead to blindness, continue the communist takeover of 'merica, and give you butt cancer *

    *no it won't, but I'm preparing you for some of the finer MFP sugar arguments. :flowerforyou:
  • ELEANOR43da
    ELEANOR43da Posts: 166 Member
    I agree , but the only reason I track my fruit is due to the fact I am diabetic. Like bananas are very high in sugar so they are a treat once every 2-4 months for me . I do tend to do enough exercise that it really doesn't keep my sugars high !
  • Daws387
    Daws387 Posts: 46 Member
    Yea I always go over on sugar too. I think it won't affect weight loss if you're already at a deficit. I'm no expert but I always hear that a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. But I guess non-fruits with high amounts of sugar are usually high in calories too so its easy to go over without eating that much.