Need help going dairy- free

Hi, all:
I have noticed that I have developed a sensitivity to dairy lately. Anyone have any good product recommendations?
I know I like almond milk already and I like SO delicious brand desserts. Any help is appreciated; I am going to miss cheese as I am on a higher protein lower carbohydrate diet but not too low of carbs though.


  • A_nonymous2
    A_nonymous2 Posts: 366 Member
    Hi, good luck! I had to elim dairy when i was nursing my son. The best advice I can give is that it hides everywhere, just like gluten.

    When you go out to eat, be sure to say "no dairy" and clarify that means "no butter". People are stupid. I didn't find it all that difficult and I love me a big old glass of 2%. I also lost a lot of weight.

  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    I found dairy was a lot easier to give up than I thought it would be. I gave up gluten, wheat, dairy, soy & legumes. I use coconut milk in place of milk when I cook. My best advice is to not try to replace dairy with substitutes. What's the point of fake cheese?? I actually love pizza now more than I did before - I just get it loaded with a bunch of toppings and no cheese.