Newbie runner looking for help!

Ive been on a weight loss journey since January and im quite pleased with what ive done, but I wanted to take it further and I signed up for a marathon!! Huge challange for me.

Since entering the world of running a month ago its much more complicated than I thought, the right trainer, clothing, food, training plan.....

Basicaly Im confused by some of the termanology and looking for some freinds for advice along the way. Im under no illusion this is going to be easy but I want to do it!

First thing I need help with is the best trainners? Please add me if you think you can help!

Gillian xx


  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    oh I hope your marathon isn't for awhile! You need time to build up endurance for that sort of thing. As for shoes, just go to a running shoe store and have them fit you. They will look at how you walk to best fit your feet.
  • 58Rock
    58Rock Posts: 176 Member
    Been running for years. Be glad to help if I can. As far as trainers are concered the best place to start is either Hal Higdon or Jeff Galloway. They both have outstanding marathon training programs on thier web sites and they also have well received books. Good luck and have fun.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,589 MFP Moderator
    I am also a new runner but I would be interested in being your friend and watching your journey :)
  • JKDLady
    JKDLady Posts: 131 Member
    I agree with all that's been said. You certainly want to rush this an end up injured. The advice I hear is that you need at least a year of running before a marathon. Why not start with a shorter race as a first race.

    I have used both Hal Higdon and Jeff Galloway's books and recommend them.

    Go to a running store and get fitted for shoes. A good store will watch you while you run in them.

    Congrats on your weight loss and good luck on your upcoming goals! Welcome to the world of running.
  • mthr2
    mthr2 Posts: 158 Member
    What is the furthest you have ever run at one time? My longest run so far was 7 miles. I began running in January 2013 I am planning on doing a half in April 2014. I know that doesn't seem overly ambitious, but I am a bit nervous about being able to complete it within the 3 hour time limit. Also, I'm doing the training on my own....listening to my body and kind of winging it.

    If you are truly a newbie and your marathon is within a year, I definitely think that enlisting the training help of a professional is a good idea. You are brave...or maybe crazy. :)
  • tiggerdug
    tiggerdug Posts: 67 Member
    My marathon is 25th May 2014, I have time and have been regualry excersicing, but for runing. Im training on my own too, I get a bit intimidated by the running experts who just want to tell me I can do it!