OxyElite Pro...anybody take it?

A couple of people here at work take it. Just wondering if any of you have? Has it helped you? In what ways? Any side effects? Thanks for ANY input!


  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    I'm against diet pills in general because it is ALWAYS best to lose weight the old fashioned way (diet and exercise). They can be very dangerous!! This one is new which means there is very little (if any) actual research and testing that has been done on it and could be very harmful in the long term. I would do a ton of research before even considering it. Good luck!!
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    no, and you shouldn't either if you're thinking about it, which I'm not going to assume but if you're asking... i agree with mellie13. tell the other people who are taking it to ditch it and eat whole, seasonal, real food. know where it comes from to the best of your ability. stay active and on your feet most of the time if you can, or exercise regularly if thats not possible. you can always fit in time to exercise. you can do that instead of watching TV or do it while you watch TV. don't eat stuff that has too many ingredients or that has a stupid ad for it on TV or on billboards. and especially dont keep feeding the diet and fitness industries by buying their dubious products. sorry... that stuff just really pisses me off. you're smarter and better than them and you don't need those kinds of pills to be healthy if you were considering them! If you weren't, good, and again tell the people at your work to stop wasting their money.
  • mikioi
    mikioi Posts: 86 Member
    A friend and I tried it once. We split a bottle to see if we would like it. I lost about six pounds in about a week and I noticed that I didnt feel hungry and I was always energized. My friend on the other hand always felt jittery (I didnt seem to notice). It made me sweat a lot but after 2 weeks I decided to stop taking them and resume eating just a healthy diet and my current exercise. Eventually I gained all the weight back. I agree with the other posts, It is better to skip the diet pills and lose the weight the old fashioned way... even if it will take a little longer. :( Hope this helps!!
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    I know it's better to do it without pills. Trust me, I've been against them up until now. I probably still am. I think I'm just getting desperate. I'm tired all the time and have no extra energy to work out. I'm not losing any weight. I'm going through a stressful time in my life right now, which is NOT helping the situation. Thanks for bringing me back to reality!!!!
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    I know it's better to do it without pills. Trust me, I've been against them up until now. I probably still am. I think I'm just getting desperate. I'm tired all the time and have no extra energy to work out. I'm not losing any weight. I'm going through a stressful time in my life right now, which is NOT helping the situation. Thanks for bringing me back to reality!!!!

    Stay strong!! I would suggest taking a Super B Complex vitamin. I have a remarkably noticable difference in energy and it claims to help in weight loss, though I don't know if it did or not for me!
  • kbondaug
    I have been taking the OxyElite Pro for about 8 weeks now and for me the results are stunning. 1) It keeps me energized and that energized feeling gives me confidence that I'll be able to tackle whatever is in front of me, whether office paper shuffling or kickboxing. It keeps me focused on my goals and provides that extra push when you feel gassed, enabling you to take your workouts further. I don't suggest taking it if you don't plan to workout, because it will keep you going. Even around the house, my "raking the yard" turns into trimming the hedges, sweeping the patio, just always "what's next". Same for the workout, you hit the bag for a few hard rounds, then you look up and think, I'll go for a jog. It's a shot of pure, "just do it". Side effects depends on the situation - if I'm sitting at my desk and I start getting antsy, I take a walk around the block a couple times - that might be even healthier than sitting at the desk all day. One time I got really antsy/pumped up and ran on the treadmill during my lunch break, which would have never been an option for me before.

    2 months ago, I would have agreed with everyone on this site who are trying to dissuade you, but after I've tried it and figured out how it affects my energy levels and how to integrate that into my routine, I think it has made all the difference. The reason why I tried it in the first place is because of GNC's policy where you may return anything if you are unsatisfied with the product, so I did and now I'm satisfied.

    Just my two cents. Good luck. Keith

    PS - by the way, it really really really keeps the hunger level down and keeps you focused on your daily caloric intake, so you can view food as fuel, instead of eating whenever you want.
  • BarbieDobson
    BarbieDobson Posts: 2 Member
    I have been taking oxyelit for 1 month now and when I am out and dont take it I am very tired it workks great I ahve lost weight and it is awesome
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    i have been taking off an on for a while not (you are supposed to take breaks) and i eat wholesome good foods, and exercise.

    I hvae lately just been taking one dose in the morning , or i don't wakeup. (wellunless i have a rockstar or two)
  • ohiomom0503
    ohiomom0503 Posts: 38 Member
    I took it for about 6-8 weeks and it did increase my weight loss and energy. I stopped it about 2 months ago (I only planned on taking a 2-3 week break from it) and have lost 6-7 lbs without trying to (ie. not logging what I eat and not working out due to to school and work etc.). I think I'm going to do another 6 week cycle on it and see how it goes.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    Be careful if you do decide to take them, I tried them and they made me feel jittery and kind of weird, about a week in we had someone come in that had a negative reaction and was having heart palpitations after taking them and working out. I quit after that BC i was too afraid the same thing would happen to me. Just be sure you follow the guidelines and I think most GNC's have a 30 day refund so if they dont work in like 2 weeks take them back for something else.
  • kit548emt
    I've taken it for about 3 months. If you decide to do it, read the instructions very carefully and only take one. I was nervous to take them because I'm so hot natured any way, I thought I'd be burning up and dying. It actually wasn't bad, I didn't notice too much of a difference day to day but it got me out of my plateau. I was stuck in a rut and a friend of mine that is a personal trainer suggested trying them out. So I did. I felt a little jittery at first but after about a week or so, I didn't feel that way anymore. I will warn you that you will sweat a lot more than usual. Even if I wasn't doing anything active I would sweat more than usual. The bottle I got was only 90 pills and I'm out now. I don't think I'm going to start taking them again unless I get stuck again.