How Long Did It Take You To See Results??? HELP...



  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    QUESTION: How long of you consistently working out did you really start to see the difference??

    Depends entirely on how big a caloric deficit you're maintaining. Weight loss is about calories in vs. calories out — the "in" part is key.
  • dubble13
    dubble13 Posts: 85 Member
    A week. I'm 5'6" and was at 172.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    I started at the end of November. It was probably two months before I noticed any real difference - it was end Feb before I dropped a full dress size.

    It doesn't happen overnight. It feel interminable at the start, but in no time at all you'll be looking back and thinking Wow! How far I've come! One day at a time! You WILL get there, just stick with it, give yourself a chance!
  • jamtoop
    I'm not sure if other people said this, as I didnt read every reply (im at work) - but someone replied to an older post once with "It's a marathon, not a sprint" - every time I feel like I'm not making noticeable progress I remember that and it keeps me going.
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    After 12 weeks, I have lost 18 lbs which averages 1 1/2 pounds per week. Each week might not sound like much, but it is the overall journey that is important. Scientifically speaking, any more than about 2 lbs per week is not FAT loss so slow down and do things the healthy way. My guess is, you did not gain it in just a couple of weeks so you need to take the same approach to getting rid of it. Down side is, putting it on is SOOOO much easier than taking it off. Good luck to you and keep up the hard work. It will pay off in the end!!
  • jazzygurl81
    jazzygurl81 Posts: 62 Member
    To be completely honest, I have lost almost 30 lbs (began at the end of April), and when I look in the mirror, I still don't see anything. In the mirror. I see the same huge, bulging stomach, big thighs, flabby arms, and chubby cheeks that I started with. And I have almost 70 lbs to go, so it gets me down sometimes that the weight is not going faster.

    The only way that I have actually seen progress is to take pictures, and make a collage to compare my progress. I take pics every two months, and I can clearly see it in then. And of course there are the non-scale victories, like fitting in my airplane seat and was able to buckle the seatbelt without an extender. I'm down a clothing size - pants, shirts, and bust. And about a week ago, I brought a pair of boots from a regular store, and they fit perfectly over my calves!

    Just keep it up, don't give up! You can do it!
  • jadedhippo
    jadedhippo Posts: 95 Member
    Started sept 1st, not a lot of weight loss (like 1-2 pounds that keep fluctuating) but ive noticed my thighs are smaller and my stomach is flatter. Im hoping the weight loss comes soon, so im tidying up my eating even more.