Broke 4 bones--what now??

I recently broke 4 bones in a freak bicycling accident (really not a very interesting story, just random). Now the amount of physical activity I can do is severely limited because I can't move my arms or hands or do any "jarring" activity--my elbows and wrists are broken so I've got limited motion, doctor's instructions to take a break from high impact exercise, and pain. My weight loss now primarily depends on eating a lot less than what I'm used to with less "wiggle room" for bad calorie days.

I'm trying to stay on track, but it's difficult to continue losing weight at the pace I was used to without the calories burned from intense exercise. I'm not necessarily looking for advice (though that's welcomed too)--mostly just looking for support. Worried about gaining weight while recovering and would like to build a community on here that can give support and encouragement and help keep my on track. I'd love to do the same for you!

Add me as a friend if you want some support! I'm a youngin' at 20 years old, I'm on almost everyday, and would love to get some motivation from other ppl who are also working hard to reach their goals :)


  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    perhaps a recumbent exercise bike? Your situation is not enviable, but I'm sure you knew that already ;). IMO if you get really strict with your diet, and stay as active as possible you will be able to stay on track, albeit at a slower pace. Best of luck, I know it can't be easy!
  • kazsjourney
    kazsjourney Posts: 263 Member
    I broke my wrist early this year during summer....I avoided exercise as my wrist would swell and in the plaster it was just too uncomfortable for hours afterwards. I instead focused on the recovery of my bones....making sure I was getting all the calcium I needed, vitamin C, protein and good fats. I wouldnt focus on weight loss but recovery.
  • Lemongrab1
    Lemongrab1 Posts: 158 Member
    Just cycle. Low impact, so it won't damage your wrist any further.
    But you'll have to go slower than you usually would. You don't want to trap a lot of sweat under the cast and make it swell.
    Otherwise just walk, or go hill walking.
    Take it easy. Focus more on your diet for the duration of your recovery.
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Maybe you could wade in the pool with a plastic bag/plastic wrap around the cast to keep it dry or like the above posters said walk or bike. Perhaps some yoga...there are poses that don't require a lot of upper body to do. I have found "Yoga for Complete Beginners" (on YouTube)is a good light 20 minute stretching exercise. Only burns about 71 calories, but it's something...better than nothing. So sorry you're in such pain, but you *will* recover. :flowerforyou:
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    , but it's difficult to continue losing weight at the pace I was used to without the calories burned from intense exercise.
    I think you need to accept that while you heal you wont lose at that pace. Control your diet and keep as active as you can and you'll still lose but be sensible about it. Walking is a very good exercise if thats all you can manage.