So confused about calorie intake - Help :(



  • Wanderer1224
    Wanderer1224 Posts: 57 Member
    Can you please help me with my calories intake.
    I weight 187 pounds and am 5'9 so i dont know what should be my calories intake. right now am
    doing 1290 calories because thats what MFP calculate for me!!

  • ssm_1972
    ssm_1972 Posts: 396 Member
    Can you please help me with my calories intake.
    I weight 187 pounds and am 5'9 so i dont know what should be my calories intake. right now am
    doing 1290 calories because thats what MFP calculate for me!!


    What is your goal ? First of all finalize your goal, now know your TDEE and just subtract 10%-20% from TDEE to know your exact intake (if you want to loose your weight on healthy way) else TDEE is your your maintenance figure !!
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    The very first thing to look at when you stop losing weight is to make sure you're tracking your intake correctly. Did you bust out a food scale for the peanut butter you had yesterday morning, measuring out 15g? Did you weigh the chicken breast and imitation crab, or did you guess? Even if you were over by a little, you were still over. All those "little bit over" guesses amount to a much larger number.

    Read this and watch the video:

    It's most likely not your glycemic index.

    You're most definitely not in starvation mode.

    You really should exercise. Find something you like to do. If you don't like it you won't do it. And you should do stuff 3-5 times a week.

    Edit: and if you're tracking 100% accurately and still gaining weight then you shouldn't trust a computer to tell you what the scale already knows: You're eating too many calories or not exercising enough. But remember, you can rarely, if ever, exercise away a bad diet.

  • RoseBlossom29
    RoseBlossom29 Posts: 22 Member
    I think that for starters you shouldn't be eating that far from what mfp suggested I suggest that if you think 2000 is too much then you should be eating 1700. The main point is that it is less than your previous intake before you started your weight loss plan. As time goes on, if you feel the need then you can decrease your calorie intake. But I repeat for starters decreasing it that low is not a good idea

    Second thing is your exercise. You really need to exercise not matter how small. Honestly 15 minutes of dedicated workout a day will suffice because a little is better than nothing.

    The absolute key is to keep going. Most weeks you should be losing and admittedly some weeks you might not lose any at all but do not be give up.

    Best of luck :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I started at 213 lbs, I'm 35 and 5'5", and I lost fine at 1650.
  • Wanderer1224
    Wanderer1224 Posts: 57 Member
    My goal weight is 170 pounds. So please help cause am so confused!!!! If i should bump up my calories intake.
    cause right now am 1290 calories

    Can you please help me with my calories intake.
    I weight 187 pounds and am 5'9 so i dont know what should be my calories intake. right now am
    doing 1290 calories because thats what MFP calculate for me!!


    What is your goal ? First of all finalize your goal, now know your TDEE and just subtract 10%-20% from TDEE to know your exact intake (if you want to loose your weight on healthy way) else TDEE is your your maintenance figure !!
  • fastfoodv
    I recommend 1500 to 1550 calories per day. A good guideline for laying out your plate is the healthy plate. One-half of the plate is non-starchy veggies, one-quarter of the plate is lean protein and the other quarter of the plate is starch. Fruit and nonfat/low fat dairy are outside the plate. All food should be prepared in a healthy manner like steaming, grilling and baking. Don’t skip meals. Monitor portion sizes, limit/avoid concentrated sweets and high fat foods and don’t drink your beverages. I also recommend exercising a minimum of 30 minutes most days of the week.

    Get an exclusive look at Lisa's new book STOP THE DIET, I WANT TO GET OFF! at and visit Lisa Tillinger Johansen at on Facebook at Lisa Tillinger Johansen and on Twitter @LisaTJohansen