Playing with the same 5 pounds!!

jldodd Posts: 16
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I'm getting really discouraged. I've been running consistently for 4 weeks now. Just added the gym 2-3 times a week for strength training. Food is my vice. I have to plan it out but life has become a lot more social now and there are constant surprise visits and dinners and drinks and barbeques and and and.... Even though I'm working out I'm still eating poorly. Actually I eat awesome until something derails me like a barbeque or going out to dinner then I sulk and overeat for the rest of the week. If I can't count the calories in the moment...whoosh!! I don't count them at all. Trying really hard to still take note of everything I eat though. I'm trying to stop lying to myself. I'm getting really sick of starting over every day. I can't seem to keep momentum for more than a few days. Enough to lose 3 pounds or so. When I trip up I fall HARD and now I gain even more weight back. So since tracking my foods and running I've gained 5 pounds! Technically I'm healthier but this is ridiculous!!! I am uncomfortable and unhappy :(


  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I feel your pain. But what it really comes down to is what's more important to you? I was a 1-2 bottle of champagne/NIGHT drinker before starting this. I'd like to say I quit drinking because my liver would thank me and it's healthier but in all actuality I stopped because each bottle has over 600 calories! I was drinking my daily calorie goal almost. You have to implore will power and learn to just say no to those bad food/drink choices. My family and friends all giggle when they invite me over for dinner because they know that I will only be eating a select bit of what they prepare. But I have a great support system so whatever makes me happy makes them happy. Again it's about choice. Do you really want this? If so you CAN do this. Believe in yourself and reward small accomplishments. Do not get detoured by back slides. You are human, they will happen. Just take each day as it comes. You didn't gain the weight over night so it is not going to fall off over night. I know it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel so look for the light sneaking through cracks in that tunnel. It will guide you on your way. Good luck to you!!!
  • AndreeT
    AndreeT Posts: 191
    OMG I could have totaly wrote that post! It's exactly how I feel! I was doing really great until I went on a week vacation to see family last month....since then I have been toying with the same 5lbs. I too have started running in the last 2 weeks and I manage to do really well for choosing the right foods and logging everything...until there is some social gathering bbq & restaurants or surprive visits and then it goes downhill from there and I restart again the next day. We just found out that we are looking to go away for a week in Mexico in december (this would be my first international trip!! Can't Wait!) I would really really like to feel good about myself and be comfortable in my own skin before then! I know that won't happen if I keep letting this happen....Urg!!

    Keep your chin I am sure we will pull through! Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. That way maybe we could kick each other in the butt if we start seeing that we are not logging! Haha

  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Oh I know what it's like especially when there are events held by friends and family and it would be impolite to say 'no' to the food. Plus, it's summer, there are bbqs left, right and center! BUT what you could do is learn to control your portion sizes perhaps?

    Here's a link I found about portion sizes but without the scale.
  • badknees
    badknees Posts: 16
    I appreciate what you said about the calories in the drinks. I love a glass or 2 of wine each night and yet I can't drink that and expect to lose weight because there are indeed calories in wine. So, what I have done is limit my wine to evenings when I am totally relaxed and truly feel I deserve a nice glass of wine because it won't blow the whole day's work to keep my calories in check. I make the glass last for at least an hour and then I drink water and then go to bed. I have had the experience of not eating what I need to for weight loss or health in general because I wasted 500 calories on wine, wi th only a 1200 calorie budget. It also helps when my husband is traveling because I have no one to relax with and enjoy the wine.
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    There is always some sort of social reason to derail our healthy liefstyles isn't there. For me I was doing very well last year until Halloween when I let all the treats derail me completely. I think that when we are at a social eating event there are options, portion control, trying to find the healthy option, eating less during other parts of the day etc. I also have almost completely stopped drinking. I used to drink a glass or 2 of wine each night, now I have a glass or 2 each week. It is about shifting your expectations, you can still have fun with your friends without throwing your healthy goals out the window. People are understanding if you explain what you are trying to do. The most important thing is to not give up completely. Just do your best!
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