70% of my calories from Carbs.... suggestions

I have a 1/2 marathon coming up and I'm supposed to get 70% of my calories from carbs in the days preceeding the race.

Other than drinking a lot of beer, does anyone have any good suggestions? I do like beer though :drinker:


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I have a 1/2 marathon coming up and I'm supposed to get 70% of my calories from carbs in the days preceeding the race.

    Other than drinking a lot of beer, does anyone have any good suggestions? I do like beer though :drinker:

    Pasta or pancakes?
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    Pasta and fruit! I used to eat a lot of pasta the night before an event. In the morning before practice, I would eat half an english muffin & a banana and then have a GU or two while practice and then a few during a half marathon.
  • GBPack93
    I just finished up a marathon and I am running a half this weekend so I am right with you. Some of the best are
    Pasta, Bread, Potatoes etc. those are obvious, but some of the following is what I like.

    Make brown rice + black beans and salsa wrap in a tortilla for a solid carbo load burrito. If you want anything like sour cream or cheese use reduced fat or fat free, just because if your anything like me high fat foods don't mix well with running.

    Spaghetti with tomato sauce and chopped veggies like mushrooms and dinner rolls instead of garlic bread due to lower fat. Also just double up on stuff like that. Instead of 1 roll with butter have 2 plain rolls, same amount of calories but more carbs.

    As for snacks I grab fruit nearly every time, but I also will grab stuff like pretzels, granola bars, and low fat candy like twizzlers the last 2 days before the race.

    In addition to drinking plenty of water drink some gatorade or w/e sports drink you use for more carbs, you can also use fruit juice or milk if you want. I would avoid soda because caffeine is dehydrating.

    Don't feel like you "need" to carbo load. The last thing you wanna do is be stuffed walking up to the finish line. Eat a comfortable amount of food, just high carb options. You essentially eat the same # of calories but more from carbs. Good Luck!
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    Pasta, whole grains (rice, quinoa, bulgar (like in tabbouleh), kashi, wheat berries, corn, wheat bran), cereals (preferably whole grain again), potatoes (golden, idaho, sweet, red), jicama (cook it), beans (pinto, red, black, white), lentils, peas...
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    I'm a low carb person and just did a half marathon and didn't eat more than 50 net carbs a day. The body burns fat for energy when it doesn't have a supply of carbs.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Thanks for the Advice everyone. Kinda reinforces everything I was planning. Currently my Carbohydrate goal is 55% of my calorie intake which I typically fall under while I go over on protein and sometimes over on fat if I'm cooking with a liberal amount of olive oil. As the day of the half approaches I'm getting a little obsessy
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Getting lots of calories from carbs is easy! Just have some pasta, bread, rice, potatoes, etc. The hard part is mostly avoiding too many calories from carbs!