Absolutely crap day

Im having a terrible week.... too much stress at work, too much negativity at home.... and Ive kind of become the "shoulder to cry on" for family members! On top of that, it's college application time.... my second time... so Im going bonkers! Im not telling anyone because Im not used to airing my feelings. Its eaten into my sleep and Ive not exercised in a week, and my eating has topsy turvied so much I just wish my weight would disappear magically. On top of everything I had two mars bars- 300 calories. Sorry, but I just had to rant.


  • Wow definitely busy week.
    You should try to tell someone, except here, although I understand why you don't.
    I'm sorry for your trouble, if you want to talk I'm a great listening.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Now, when I have a crappy day I go to the gym and destroy my workouts; previously, I would of sat on the couch and stewed or went to a bar for happy hour after work....

    I think you need to try and take things like this, and turn it into a positive i.e. a great workout...you will feel a lot better stress wise and then you will not be depressed because you over ate..

    good luck...
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I totally agree with ndj... you need to find a good constructive stress reliever. The last 3 weeks have been brutal for me work-wise and the last week at home has been stressful. I took it out on the treadmill and after I feel MUCH better.... and it helps me sleep better.

    Best of luck finding the good stress reliever for you.
  • webbeyes
    webbeyes Posts: 105 Member
    I've had a crappy cold for the last 2 days. Fortunately, Tuesday was an off-day from my workout, and I really didn't *feel* like working out yesterday. I changed into my workout clothes at about 8:45 ... didn't actually workout until about 10:30.

    Can't say it was one of my best workouts overall, but still burned about 440cal in about 45 min, then sat around in my workout clothes for the rest of the day recovering from the cold (thank you Dri-fit technology LOL)

    Now ... if I had needed to leave the house to go the gym or something, it wasn't going to happen.
  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 976 Member
    Well I would have worked out ( I love to) if I hadnt badly injured myself last week. I also had real sore muscles so although I tried getting back onthe wagon with some cardio , I couldnt make it through. Im planning to start today or tomorrow though.
    Thanks for the support!
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member

    You sound a bit overwhelmed. It might be an idea to think about reducing the stresses - it's not good for us to 'take on too much'. Family politics are a nightmare.. perhaps don't answer the phone unless it's someone who's genuinely in difficulty? :wink:

    And as for the Mars bars... it's fine. They just have calories.... like spinach and cauliflowers do. Sometimes it has to be done. :smile: