Hello! Homeworking newbie here!

Hi All

I have recently just started with MyFitnessPal as I have gradually over the last few years gained quite a few pounds and would love to get back down a few stone, feel more comfortable in myself and wear the clothes that have been waiting years in my wardrobe to come back out, but either don't get on, or squeeze on but look rather unsightly :)

I am really suprised (and very interested) when looking at my food diary as to the little snacks I seem to fit in and have started noticing my portion sizes, which, even though I always knew all these things before, MFP showing me in graphs & numbers is kind of getting it to sink in!

I work from home and since moving house have had to cancel my gym membership (however I wasn't the most motivated person to go when I had it), but really would like to be more motivated to get on and do exercise more regularly, and be more motivated to eat better! Any tips on how you are all doing it? I find working from home means I am able to snack when I want, and I think having the house to myself is a bit of a culprit... any other homeworkers got any ideas?

My partner is a great inspiration as he has lost over 5 stone in the last couple of years, however this does kind of get me a bit down too as we have been living together, going to the gym together, I cook for the two of us, he has managed to lose this much whereas I have put on a few stone! Kind of annoying, but I must be doing something wrong!

My main goal is to feel comfortable in myself and not to look badly at myself everytime i look in the mirror or see myself in a photo. I find I spend ages getting ready putting almost everything on and taking it off because of how I think I look, and so my main goal is to change that attitude, and to do that I need to healthily lose some weight whilst making a change to my daily habits, exercise etc.

I have also been trying out that related app "Sworkit" which has some home exercises to do, anyone else using this or have any other exercise tips for at home? I do find I seem to get bored of exercising unless changing quite often...

Anyway I hope this is a good enough introduction, please feel free to add me, I'd love to share experience and hopefully lose together!

Speak to you soon
