seem to have lost my motivation

Hi all I am sadly lacking in motivation, for the last few weeks I have tried to get back on track without success. Anyway tips or advice are gratefully welcome. I know about portion size, exercise etc etc so why oh why can't I put it into practice


  • healthytanya1
    healthytanya1 Posts: 198 Member
    I would say try to focus on one thing at a time for now. Like only count calories for a month and tell yourself in a month you will add in exercise. If you are at a calorie deficit you will still lose plenty of weight without exercise. I do it all the time but I do have a pretty active job.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    did you look under the couch? j/k......but

    maybe try to figure out a reward system for yourself - If i workout 3 days this week then I can go to the movies this weekend or something like that, but you have to stay honest with yourself and make sure you actually earn it

    if you don't have any fun friends on here make some, that has helped me alot

    do you have any friends who work out like you do or diet and you can talk to / compete with, works well for me :)
    TINAHUNTER1969 Posts: 219 Member
    Sounds silly but sometimes we are afraid of the unknown so we back track to what we know. I lost a lot of weight years ago and expected everything in my life to just suddenly be perfect because of this, unfortunately it doesn't work like that.

    Just keep eating healthier and exercising and whether the scales show a loss or not you are getting fitter all the time and this to me is much more important than the number on a scale.

    I don't deny myself any food if I want it, I just work it into my calories or do extra exercise.

    I don't class what I'm doing as a diet (EVIL WORD) I'm on a healthier eating plan for life so treats are allowed just in moderation.

    Stop being so hard on yourself, you have done amazing.

    It would be such a pity now to undermine all your hard work by getting back into bad habits so stop and question why you have no motivation - once you find the answer you will sort yourself out and be back on track.

    Good luck x
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I tend to lose mine at drive -thru s. I need to constantly remind myself of where I want to go and that I do not want to go back to where I was. So I order the salad with unsweetened tea instead of burger, fries and soda.
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    This is just the sort of advice I needed to hear right now. Thanks everyone.
  • zzk0485
    zzk0485 Posts: 51 Member
    I used to put motivational quotes up on my bathroom mirror and on my fridge. Places where I frequently walked by and it helped me.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Hi all I am sadly lacking in motivation, for the last few weeks I have tried to get back on track without success. Anyway tips or advice are gratefully welcome. I know about portion size, exercise etc etc so why oh why can't I put it into practice

    It's hard to rely on having lots of motivation. Try and find a system that makes eating right and exercising easier. Find a type of exercise you enjoy. For example, try taking your work outs outside (fall is a great time of the year for running, biking, hiking, etc.). And find a system of eating that doesn't rely on will power. Don't keep junk food around your house so you don't have to worry about binging. Don't go stare at the pizza and burger joint right before lunch time, etc.