I'm borrowing a friend's bodybugg cause she is not using it. That way I can see if I like it enough to buy one or if I'm going to just keep my HRM.

Anyway I created a profile on the bodybugg website, and I'm able to sync my calories burn into the site.

My question is if there is away to just enter the total calories consumed for the day instead of having to log each meal. I use MFP for logging and wouldl iike to just enter the totals for the day.



  • SLambertAlaska
    SLambertAlaska Posts: 197 Member
    To just log calories, once you click on "add food" under a meal (brkfst, lunch dinner, snack), you see an entry box for looking up the food you ate (or plan to eat). Above the box are the words: Search our Database. BUT, just to the right of those words is some small print in blue that says "Quick add calories only." Clicking on those words is where you can add calories w/out naming the foods or amounts.

    btw: what is a bodybugg?

    Good luck!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I just take my daily total from myfitnesspal and create one 'food' that I call "calories 8/2" and enter in all the macronutrient information for the entire day under that one entry.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    What serving size do you use to do that? The bodybugg site only allows you to enter foods as "fluid ounces" or "grams" so, while I love your approach to entering totals from MFP, I tried to do it last night and was told that the serving size was too low for the macronutrients I entered.
