Ugh. Need encouragement

I have lost 4 lbs in the past 3 weeks. So proud.

BUT then today (weigh in day) scales says I am up about 1.5 lbs.

I DID go over last week by about 900 calories...but if it takes a 3500 calorie deficit to lose 1 lb then by that math I would have to have gone by a HUGE amount of calories to gain. I figured going over would just mean a smaller loss.

I've only been back at this for 3 weeks so it shouldn't be a plateau already.

I mean...I just ate at maintenance calories 2 days over the it isn't even like I over-ate.

My diary public.


  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. You can do everything right and sometimes the scale just doesn't read the way you thought it would. It doesn't mean you've gained.. are you close to your period? did you eat something with a lot of sodium? did you just start working out or do something new? have you gone to the bathroom today?

    There are literally multiple reasons why you could be up today. Just keep following your plan, try to weigh in once a week, and look for the overall trend. Over the course of a month or two months are you heading in the right direction? That's a much better way to look at it and it'll lead to a lot less disappointment. Also, don't forget that you're making progress regardless of the scale.
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    :) Thank you.
    I KNOW that it could be water weight from too much salt in Chinese food yesterday...or bathroom related.

    Not giving up.

    NOT going to McDonalds for apple pie and big mac either.
    So..that is a HUGE NSV for me. (emotional eater).
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    :) Thank you.
    I KNOW that it could be water weight from too much salt in Chinese food yesterday...or bathroom related.

    Not giving up.

    NOT going to McDonalds for apple pie and big mac either.
    So..that is a HUGE NSV for me. (emotional eater).
    Oh, you didn't mention the Chinese food. Yeah, I would definitely say it's likely water related. I mean, that stuff is loaded with salt.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Most of the time when you have an unexplained (by calories) gain, it's due to water retention. High sodium foods like canned veg/soup, prepared (box) meals, many frozen foods and restaurant foods are usually to blame. Also if you've started exercising lately or have increased the intensity of your exercise, your muscles may be retaining water and glycogen as part of the natural healing process. And of course monthly hormonal cycles (ovulation, PMS, menstruation).

    Also could be due to digestion issues (consitpation).

    P.S. I see someone checked your diary and saw Chinese food - yeah that's likely the culprit. Make sure you're eating low sodium for a few days and getting some potassium (bananas, potatoes, etc) and drinking plenty of water to balance out. You'll likely see a loss once that's back in balance.
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    Chinese food for lunch and then canned tomato soup for dinner.
    I feel silly for worrying.
    But you know how it is, when you only record weight once a week you hope that the one day you weigh you show a loss.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Chinese food for lunch and then canned tomato soup for dinner.
    I feel silly for worrying.
    But you know how it is, when you only record weight once a week you hope that the one day you weigh you show a loss.
    I'm the same way. Sometimes I wonder if that one weigh-in day is a "high" day, especially since it can take a week or so for that excess salt (and water) to get flushed out.
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    The day AFTER I went over my 900 calories I weight the LEAST I've weighed since I started.

    Bodies are complicated. Lol.