Weight Gain

I am a bit perplexed and demotivated.
I have started the insanity program as well as doing Zumba 2-3times a week and the treadmillfor 10mins prior to the Zumba class.

My calorific intake has been restricted to 1200 and i rarely if ever go over this unless it is a Friday or Saturday when I am dirnking. If I do drink then I ensure I do not eat more than 900calories of food that day.

I first Weighed myself in the morning last week Weds (18th) and was at 144.5lbs. Over the course of the following days my weight steadily dropped and on Sunday morning when I weighed myself I was down to 140.0 which I was very pleased with of course.

However yesterday morning I was back up to 143.2lbs and this morning I am at 143.6lbs - How can I have put on over 3lbs in a couple of days when I have not over-eaten and I work out daily? Fair enough I do not kill it in my workouts but the diet alone being below 1200 should mean I am at least plateauing or maintaining. I just do not understand How since Sunday I gained 3.6lbs.

I am thinking now that I just want to go back to pigging out - I have been on this diet for two weeks and was ecstatic with a 4lb lost. To know that in reality it has only been 1lb given the amount of work I am putting in is devestating.

My aim was 2lbs a week loss but then I realised that the only people who achieve this are generally obese to begin with so I settled on 1lb a week. I am now losing 0.5lbs a week if that it seems!

I am 27year old female, 5ft3.7 Was 144.5lbs and I am now 143.6lbs

A year ago I was a size 8, 125lbs and had never had to work out or diet to maintain my figure.I just want to go back to that.

I moved in with my Boyf and piled on the pounds and I am so depressed with it all to be honest. I am working my fat butt off to get back in shape and all for a 1lb loss in a fortnight!!!

Any tips on how I can lose at least a 1lb/week?


  • jcast92
    jcast92 Posts: 144 Member
    bump! This is similar to a question I have.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    900-1200 calories is not enough food! Your body is probably hoarding it, especially as you are doing high cardio workouts. And if you do lose weight, you will only lose half of the weight in fat, the rest will be muscle mass.

    Losing .5 lb a week is good, especially if you don't have that much to ultimately lose. Slow and steady means that you will be more likely to keep the weight off.

    I suggest finding out what your BMR is. Your BMR is what you would eat if you were in a coma and they just needed to sustain your life. You should never eat below your BMR. If you decide to eat at your BMR, then you should eat some of your exercise calories back.

    I have found that it's easier to figure out my total daily energy expenditure (TDEE), which is an average of my weekly calorie burn. I eat that -20% every day regardless if I work out for that day or not. Then I don't have to worry if MFP is overestimating my exercise calories.

    Good luck in your endeavor!