i may have achille tendon close to the ankle


I believe I may have achille tendon since it didn't go away when I do running even when I do incline on the treadmill. I used to do 3 incline 3 speed but doing 5 speed for a min each time. I haveny been doing it for awhile but have been doing random hill on the treadmill with the Max of 4 speed for now. I can only do elipitical for about 5 min before one of my legs stop and injury myself which it never happened but can. Is there any exercise to really lose weight quick where I am at beside doing running which I can't do now due to the injury or have to keep doing the random hill for an hour and a half? I would have to go to the gym twice a day in order to lose weight like everyday! I'm still overweight and can still lose a pound a day if I get around 530 calories burned at the gym. I have been discouraged because of the injury and really wanted to lose weight bad before the holidays which I want to get low as possible before the holidays get here. Plus I really don't want to go to the gym twice a day either! I used to have good motivation to go to the gym twice a day since I was that determine to lose weight which I have! The lowest weight I ever have gotten was 132lbs!


  • dietstokes
    dietstokes Posts: 216 Member
    I'm assuming you mean tendonitis. Because every one has that tendon. For tendonitis you are supposed to rest the injured area. For you that would mean stop running. Make sure you are wearing supportive shoes throughout the day, not just at the gym. Ice and take pain meds. And if after a week or two you don't notice any difference in pain, go to a foot doctor. I'd say go now if you have the chance. I am dealing with tendonitis of the tendon on the top of my foot. It hurt so much I thought I had broken one of my metatarsals. I am in stiff rigid shoes now for the next few weeks at all times. I am on pain meds. It was wrapped for a bit but now is not. And I am not running. I was told that I could potentially use the elliptical if I didn't have pain. Or the bike. And I could so some weight training though I was told to not do squats, lunges, etc for a bit. We'll see how it goes.

    But RICE and going to the doctor should be your first steps here. If you don't, and you continue to run on this, you may be out of running or any other form of exercise for a very long time.
  • I do have good shoes for walking and running which Im finally loving it! Like I said I have done elliptical which I have no problem but I can only do it about 5 min or so since I feel like one of my legs was about ready to go and I have to slow down before I injury myself like falling off the elliptical. I have always love doing the treadmill since I knew I can lose weight on top of weight lifting. It just sad that I can't run because of the injury and I still have a long way to go to get to my goal again which is about another 30lbs. I don't take any aspirin due to I take it every month any way and my body get used to it and plus I don't have health insurance to see the doctor and trying to cut back since I have gone quite a bit when I was in the program.
  • dietstokes
    dietstokes Posts: 216 Member
    If you don't have health insurance, then its more important than ever to actually rest. And don't do aspirin. You want to be icing, wrapping your foot/ankle, taking something like advil or motrin (not for pain but to help reduce inflammation of the tendon). Until you have absolutely no pain for a week, I would not run/walk. Elliptical needs to be built up the same as running did. Your description about what happens when your on the elliptical is confusing. I can't tell if it hurts you or if you get tired quickly or what exactly. Ice baths for your foot (water and ice in a tub and submerging your foot) will also be be helpful.

    In the running community you may also hear TMTS, which means too much too soon. Not sure how quickly you built up your mileage for running, but you may have done that too quickly, which didn't allow your foot to get used to it. Runners world has a great forum that can help with running specifics.

    For the time being though, I would say no running. Not for 4-6 weeks. Time to get comfortable with another form of exercise. Build up the elliptical time. Bike at the gym. Pilates. Weight training. I would steer clear of running and walking (same foot motion as running) and even yoga for now as you will be moving that tendon still.

    Good luck.
  • Yes, I usually do it too much too soon! When I'm on the elipitical it feels like my leg is getting tired where I could injury myself if I'm not careful and could fall off if I don't have the grip! I usually do normal speed which is a little fast on the elipitical but probably have to go slow instead of normal speed! I have no pain when I do the elipitical! All I have been thinking is slow and steady will win the race! I can do random hill on the treadmill but not normal routine like I used to for running without wrap. I did try to do the wrap even when doing the running but it didn't help this time so I knew something was up since in the past it did help but not now!