3lb loss and gain in 3 days :(

I am a bit perplexed and demotivated.
I have started the insanity program as well as doing Zumba 2-3times a week and the treadmillfor 10mins prior to the Zumba class.

My calorific intake has been restricted to 1200 and i rarely if ever go over this unless it is a Friday or Saturday when I am dirnking. If I do drink then I ensure I do not eat more than 900calories of food that day.

I first Weighed myself in the morning last week Weds (18th) and was at 144.5lbs. Over the course of the following days my weight steadily dropped and on Sunday morning when I weighed myself I was down to 140.0 which I was very pleased with of course.

However yesterday morning I was back up to 143.2lbs and this morning I am at 143.6lbs - How can I have put on over 3lbs in a couple of days when I have not over-eaten and I work out daily? Fair enough I do not kill it in my workouts but the diet alone being below 1200 should mean I am at least plateauing or maintaining. I just do not understand How since Sunday I gained 3.6lbs.

I am thinking now that I just want to go back to pigging out - I have been on this diet for two weeks and was ecstatic with a 4lb lost. To know that in reality it has only been 1lb given the amount of work I am putting in is devestating.

My aim was 2lbs a week loss but then I realised that the only people who achieve this are generally obese to begin with so I settled on 1lb a week. I am now losing 0.5lbs a week if that it seems!

I am 27year old female, 5ft3.7 Was 144.5lbs and I am now 143.6lbs

A year ago I was a size 8, 125lbs and had never had to work out or diet to maintain my figure.I just want to go back to that.

I moved in with my Boyf and piled on the pounds and I am so depressed with it all to be honest. I am working my fat butt off to get back in shape and all for a 1lb loss in a fortnight!!!

Any tips on how I can lose at least a 1lb/week?


  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I'm sure other people would have more specific advice based on your intake, habits, and activity level, but I want to say that you didn't lose or gain 3lbs of fat in 3 days. You just didn't.

    The only thing I can suggest is to be consistent, eat enough for your activity level, and be patient.
  • nixxyj
    nixxyj Posts: 9 Member
    Could it possibly be water weight? Looking at you diary you don't seem to be eating enough calories and if your exercising you should ideally eat back those calories as MFP is designed got you do do that hence you log your exercises and it give you more calories to eat. Your body needs food for it to work off the fat so under eating is a no go, just stick to you calories limit and eat back. Try it for a couple of weeks, you will see results so try not to get disheartened.
  • Keenertobeleaner
    Do you think my scales maybe dodgy?
  • mathiseasy
    mathiseasy Posts: 165 Member
    Just a note of encouragement, don't be discouraged because you're not seeing big results! Your weight will fluctuate throughout the week. You won't see the results you want in 2 weeks. When you start to work out and eat differently, you do initially lose water weight. Some people never see it again and some people gain it back. Either way, don't let it discourage you because you are right at the beginning of your weight loss adventure.
    I know this is highly anecdotal, but one of the best encouragements I ever got was "you didn't put it on in a week and you won't lose it in a week." Be patient, continue working out and eating enough protein to maintain your energy. You can do it!!
  • Keenertobeleaner
    Thanks for this! Great post!
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    My weight varies like four pounds per day. The last thing you want to do is get too hung up on weight. As long as you're trending in the right direction, you're making progress.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    Weight fluctuates like mad on a daily basis depending on what you ate and drank, your hormone levels and how much you've excreted. Seriously... stop stressing about it!

    If you're going to weigh yourself on a daily basis, set up a graph which tracks trends and stop worrying about daily fluctuations (no matter how frustrating bloating is).
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    I weighed 161 one day and then 164 the next morning (because I'm a compulsive scale-checker). I was eating well, and I'm now working my way back down to 161 and beyond. It could be from anything from water retention from high sodium levels, that time of month, or all those days we ate over our target finally catching up with us.

    Personally though, I think our bodies just like to mess with us.

    Take your measurements if you want a more accurate way to gauge your progress.

    ETA: A good app to use is Libra. It's free and it tracks the general trend of your weight loss. As long as it's going down I don't really care where the scale says that particular morning.
  • emuhawk
    emuhawk Posts: 62 Member
    ETA: A good app to use is Libra. It's free and it tracks the general trend of your weight loss. As long as it's going down I don't really care where the scale says that particular morning.

    This!! I can't stop myself from weighing every day (I love data and numbers), so instead of fighting it I started using this program. If I'm way up or down on a given day, it shows up as a point on the graph but the overall trend line usually doesn't change. It's a great way to keep track while not freaking out (or, conversely, getting over-confident) about big changes from day to day.
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    Stop weighing yourself everyday. Your weight can fluctuate so much day to day. I used to be a slave to the scale myself.
    Also, you do need to eat more. Eat back your exercise calories. 1200 is already a deficit for you. Follow the advice of the other posters and read the thread provided.
    Keep it up - you are doing great!
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    How come your daily calorie goal (net) is as little as 1050? That's not something MFP would suggest.

    Also, you are not eating enough. I see quite a few days when you are far from netting 1000.
  • Keenertobeleaner
    How come your daily calorie goal (net) is as little as 1050? That's not something MFP would suggest.

    Also, you are not eating enough. I see quite a few days when you are far from netting 1000.

    It allowed me to change it.
    the problem i have is giving up weekend cocktails. I find it easier to eat less calories then to drink less calories
    My social relationships are largely honed in a pub/bar on a Friday and Satruday and its very difficult not to drink.
  • nicolebeck89
    nicolebeck89 Posts: 68 Member
    I can gain and lose 3 pounds easily in 1 day. It just depends on when I weigh myself. If I weigh myself in the morning before anything after going to the bathroom, then again after I just ate lunch it can be very different numbers!!! Try eating a few more calories and only weighing yourself once a week on the same day at the same time every week!!
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Only weigh yourself once a week at the same time. I do mine on Monday Mornings right after I get up
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I'd suggest raising your calorie goal to AT LEAST your BMR, changing your weight loss goal to .5 pounds per week, and NETTING your goal each day. On the days you drink, LOG the alcohol and fit it into your calorie goal.