What makes a great 5K



  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Lots of porta-potties. Seriously, I can forgive anything else at a race, but if there's not enough bathroom facilities, I will never go back.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Measure the course accurately. For a new, local race you don't need to certify it (though that would be nice and could draw some commited racers) but a course measured with a car or footpod won't be accurate enough.

    Absolutely this. In addition to accurate measurement is accurate timing.

    Timing and accurate distance are everything. If you tell runners that the race is professionally timed, you'll get a bigger crowd.

    Also, plenty of porta-potties and the hand sanitizer/washing stations too.

    Music at the start line and a good emcee (the timing company will sometimes do this).

    Colored tshirts - even if they are grey. Runners hate white tshirts. Yes, they are cheaper, but a lot of them are see-through and people have trouble keeping white clothing looking fresh and nice (especially in rural areas). Tech tees are even better than cotton tshirts if you can afford them.

    If you don't do shirts, lower the entry fee accordingly. Runners expect to pay $20-$25 if there is a shirt involved. No shirt (or other swag) means you should be at the $15 price point.

    Make sure you have cold water and fruit afterwards - you can usually get this stuff donated. Granola bars are a nice plus. A water station at the halfway mark is a must.

    Awards for the top male and top female (or the top 3) runners and walkers. Also, if you can....awards for age groups are nice too.

    Clear direction that runners line up in front and walkers are expected to stay at the back. This makes a huge difference to the runners. They don't like having to weave around the walkers at the front of the line.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    MEDALS!!!! and a great fitted tshirt!

    in all seriousness a timed race is SO MUCH BETTER! while the untimed races are nice i feel like i don't need/want to challenge myself doing them what's the point i'm not getting a time. also a well organized race makes for a great 5k. i've done races where if they say my wave starts at 7:15 at 7:15 the gun goes off - perfect. i hate having to wait around. portapotties everywhere and by the start line.

    a good course. this doesn't mean it has to be loaded with hills and different surfaces but not running in a parking lot or on the same flat boring road for 3.1 miles.

    good luck!
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    I thought of something that happened to me recently. I preregistered for a race almost a month before the race day. There was no early packet pick up so I had to pick up my packet the day of the race. I got there plenty early and when I went to get my t shirt, they said "I'm sorry, we are out of that size." Very frustrating. Make sure you have a system where those who preregistered are guaranteed their size shirt!