Feeling down due to Breastfeeding

Hello! I have used MFP before. I met my goal weight and was maintaining it. Then I got pregnant with baby #2 and gained WAY more than I should have. So, I'm in the same shoes I was in after I had my first. Baby Girl is now 6 months old and I have been using MFP off and on for the last couple of months. For me, at the moment, it's harder because she is EBF. So, I'm supposed to be eating extra calories a day to keep my supply up. How have other moms lost the weight while breastfeeding? All I seem to be craving is VERY unhealthy sugary treats. I heard breastfeeding was great for weight loss, but I have yet to see any results. (I didn't breastfeed my first, so I'm new to this.)


  • WifeyGetsFit

    I breastfed my first for over 15 months, and the weight clung to me like glue. When she weaned, I started losing the weight fairly easily. I think I was eating lots more when BFing because I was hungry all the time! When we stopped, I wasn't eating as much.

    I am currently BFing my 8 month old, and am having a hard time losing the weight again. I am not terribly concerned as I know I can push harder once he weans (whenever that may be-- after 12 months.) I am working out and lifting weights, and eating 1600-1800 calories/day. As long as I keep myself hydrated and nurse or pump frequently, I haven't noticed a dip in supply at all!
  • BabyNurseJen
    BabyNurseJen Posts: 64 Member
    I can't really help except to reassure you that breastfeeding isn't some magic weight loss pill for everyone. It works great for some people. It doesn't work at all for others. I tried to lose weight when breastfeeding, but my supply tanked when I dropped just enough calories to hit a deficit. I hope it works out for you!