Trouble with maintaining calories

I have a standard calorie limit of 1200 but for the third time this week, I have exceeded that limit the problem is that the more ii exceed that limit, the more likely I am your GAIN weight rather than LOSE it. I feeling really down about my weight loss plan, questioning whether I'll ever make it. I have 6 more pounds until my goal weight but yet..

Please drop me see advice. I really need help and motivation right now




  • LozzaCozza93
    What are you eating? x
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I seriously doubt that 1200 will make you gain weight or is actually even enough to start with. I'm small and old and my BMR is 1200 calories. You might want to check out your BMR and start eating over it before you run into health problems.
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    It's clear that you're not being satisfied by only 1200 calories a day. Have you calculated your TDEE/BMR to see what deficit you should be at, or just going by what MFP sets for you? I ask this because right now it recommends that I only eat 1200 calories a day and I still have 65 lbs to lose... doesn't make sense. And what are you eating that uses up all your calories? Clearly you're not feeling full if you continue to eat. I would suggest eating lots and lots of fresh veggies in order to help fill you up. Cups of romaine lettuce are practically nothing, as are beans and tomatoes and cucumbers. These are referred to as "high volume" foods. They'll fill you up (for me only temporarily) without taking away a ton of calories. Still aim to meet all your macros though. Proteins and fats are a couple that you should always aim to meet. Fats should be good fats though like those in oils, nuts and fish.
  • RoseBlossom29
    RoseBlossom29 Posts: 22 Member
    Yes, I think that's where my problem lies, I eat far too much carbs and not enough protein or veggies. I know that sounds really bad buy I am aiming to change that