Trouble with maintaining calories HELP

I have a standard calorie limit of 1200 but for the third time this week, I have exceeded that limit the problem is that the more ii exceed that limit, the more likely I am your GAIN weight rather than LOSE it. I feeling really down about my weight loss plan, questioning whether I'll ever make it. I have 6 more pounds until my goal weight but yet.. Please drop me see advice. I really need help and motivation right now Thanks 


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    It sounds like a 1200 calorie goal might just be too aggressive for you.

    How much are you eating over by? If it's just a few hundred calories a day you're very likely to still be below your TDEE (the amount of calories you'd need to maintain your current weight). You can check online calculators like scooby to get an estimate of your TDEE:

    Since you only have a few pounds to lose, have you switched your MFP profile to lose only 1 pound per week? Most people set it to 2 pounds per week, whether that's an appropriate goal or not. Unfortunately, as we get closer to goal our weightloss slows and two pounds might not be possible for your body anymore.

    Additional, if you're exercising you can log your workout and earn extra calories.

    With your diary locked, it's tough to tell you where to cut out calories. If you intend to stick with 1200 calories, look for foods filled with more protein, fat, and fiber. These help us to stay fuller and more satisfied longer.
  • RoseBlossom29
    RoseBlossom29 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for your advice and you answer your question, I got over by about a hundred calories and my aim is your lose 1 pound a week
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    1200 is not enough for most people. You're supposed to eat back your exercise calories as well.