Feeling blah :(

Having a really bad week. Some personal problems with my family happened this week and I am not doing so great. Normally, through hard or stressful times I totally give up. But, not this time! I didn't do great this week but, I also didn't do horribly. I mean I counted my calories (some days I went over - but,not by too much) Exercised but, didn't burn as much calories as I would of liked too. So far this week I have only been to the gym once and only burned 149 calories. I am doing my water but, not ALL of it! And on top of the family issues an old neck injury has started to bother me again, Just disappointed and bummed right now. :( I doubt I'll loose this much this week.) If anything. I might have even gained! And it's only my 2nd week!

Just wanted to vent. Feeling so BLAH!


  • I think it is AWESOME that you are managing to hang on despite some emotional and environmental setbacks. Think about how you would have handled that in the past... I know when I would get really stressed I would find something wonderful to eat and not care about the damage it was doing. You have made a deliberate effort to stay the course and not let some hiccups derail you. Feel good about your week. It hasnt been perfect, but then again, nothing ever is :) Sending blessings for you and your family!
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    You are paying attention to what you eat because you have been logging and know where you are. Kick it up a notch with some more exercises and you will see those pounds drop off. Find at least 5 things you love about yourself then post them in a prominent place so you can concentrate on what you love about yourself, especially when you are down. Chin up! It gets better.

  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I doubt you gained. At worst, you probably just maintained. A less than perfect week doesn't have to derail your plans. It's the trends over time that count. Just keep at it. :flowerforyou:
  • DarleneMarie203
    DarleneMarie203 Posts: 56 Member
    Thank you all so much for the support and encouragement! :flowerforyou: