New to Site

dianka93 Posts: 21
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Wish I could say I was new to weightloss, but that, unfortunately, has been a life long battle. A couple of years ago I was part of another on-line community and lost about 25 pounds. I have gained all of it back and am having health issues because of it. Today I take charge of my own life again.


  • Hello! You can do it. I'm fairly new here too friend me if you're looking to build your support network!
  • pixieE
    pixieE Posts: 30
    Welcome to MFP :)

    We're all on this weight loss journey together, some of us need to lose more weight than others, but nonetheless we're on this journey together.
    Plenty of us on here have been battling for most of our lives to gain control of our weight and be healthy so you've definitely come to the right place where you can have as much help and support as you need/want .
    Welcome x
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