Eating while feeling.... Icky. :(

I can't seem to talk my body into wanting to eat... at all. Since Monday, I've had a banana, baby applesauce, and some water. I realize it isn't healthy, so I was hoping to get some suggestions on what else to try in order to give myself some nutrients so I can get bettering back to work! :) I've got a fever and ear pain, along with a headache. AND a trip to the Dr. scheduled for next Tuesday.
I tried cooking/eating random things (chicken noodle soup, toast, oatmeal, baked chicken, baby bananas, salad, ice cream, whipped topping.... There is probably more....) Think next I might try a protein shake... No idea... :(

Soooooooo, I guess what I'm asking is, what do you eat when you feel icky?


  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I had food poising earlier this week. I ate saltines, oranges, and chicken broth with veggies.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Whatever sounds good and stays down! :tongue:

    Soups, broth, applesauce - things you've already mentioned. If I'm nauseous, my go-to tummy settler has always been plain, dry Cheerios. Ever since I was a kid (many moons ago), they have been even better than crackers for me at settling a tummy.

    Make sure you stay hydrated too, and rest up. Hope you feel better soon!
  • Try those nutrition drinks like Ensure. They went down pretty good when I was too sick to eat. And my nails grew really strong! lol