Intermittent Fasting Q&A

Hello my fitness family :) names Tof and long story short its been about a year and a half since I started my journey and I have lost right at 155lbs or so but what I wanted to talk about here is intermittent fasting. I actually will have multiple videos going up on this in the near future but it seemed only right to start a forum post here to answer any questions you have about it and how it affected my weight loss. I started intermittent fasting in September of last year and I have yet to go a single dead without being in a fasted state so I could literally right a novel on what I learned from it. But in any event, if you guys have questions about it I would love to answer them and be of help in any way i could.

Is intermittent fasting for you? depends everyone is different, some people I have seen results in and others I wouldn't suggest it. The ones I usually don't suggest it for are the one's with faster metabolisms

What kinds are there? Well there are 3 types but I will explain it like this. You can either fast for 24hrs twice a week. fast one day and stop the next or everyday which is what I do.

Health benefits? Whew it spikes your metabolism in most individuals( I don't have the source to say that definitely but in my personal studies this is something I noticed), I also need less sleep because my body isn't burning energy all the time breaking down food, Your body has time to cleanse itself because you are fasted for so long. But here is the kicker and this is why it's so beneficial for those of you guys wanting to go my route of weight loss with muscle gains. It maximizes your HGH. For those of you who are unfamiliar HGH is your human growth hormone basically its your body's natural ability to repair itself because HGH is lowered when you are in a fed state and raises when you are in a fasted state. What this means is if you lift weights or you are really adamant of toning yourself up. Especially if you are after loosing more than 100lbs or more(meaning skin healing) increased HGH levels can help with your recovery and ultimately help build muscle(obviously your nutrition also plays a gigantic role in this but they can easily go hand in hand)

Which is better IF or 5 small meals? lol does it matter? Do what's best for you

Whew I will leave it there, if you guys have any other questions about it hit me up and I will do my best to help :)



  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I been doing leangains since April. Great at first then sloppy, but great results if followed as close as possible. I just hit the IF calc today to set myself right. I love it. So I understand your enthusiasm.
  • I do 5:2, but a fast day for me is 32+ hours and I eat <500c on those days. Other days I might also throw in 16:8 for good measure (fasting for 16 hours straight.) Since doing it my weekly losses have been greater and my energy levels are more constant. Now that I'm addicted I plan to fast once a week my whole life. I wont say it's for everyone though, I just happen to really enjoy it (especially if caffeine is involved.) It's changed my relationship with food as well, for the better.
  • theopenforum
    theopenforum Posts: 280 Member
    flabulousss: my sentiments exactly the 16:8 is very popular I usually fast for 18-20 hours but I tend to shy away from anything higher than 20. The reason is for guys who really want to build muscle around 20hours is where I start to notice a loss in glycogen aka energy in my muscles and researchers say than 24hours could put your body at risk at burning your muscle. Now do I believe that? Nahh not really ^^ but I am not curious enough to find out lol

    MayraH26: Thanks :) just trying to help where I can