Started exercising...but bad heel!

Can anyone help me please.

I've recently started going to the gym, and doing the workout classes (mainly Step and Just Jhoom) which I'm loving and have already seen a difference...however... I'm having real problems with my left heel!

It feels like a pinching tightness (like a nerve is being pinched or over stretched) just in one area when I exercise and then afterwards when I'm just walking around.

I was just wondering if anyone knew what this was or experiences it themselves?



  • Boofuls
    Boofuls Posts: 47 Member
    I have experienced this as well but not sure I can be any help as I have no idea what to do about it! I get that tight feeling and also a sort of brief stabbing pain in my heel, generally a couple of hours after exercise (even walking if it's an hour or so).
  • SkinnyWannabeGal
    SkinnyWannabeGal Posts: 143 Member
    My friend experiences that pinching tightness in her heel as well and her doc told her she has plantar fasciitis. He advised her to place just the front of her feet on a curb and kind of stretch her feet by balancing in that position while going on her tippy toes and then bringing her heels back down again and repeating it a few times. She does this like 4x a day.

    Not sure what you may have going on there, but might be worth checking with your doctor.

    I get feet/leg pains a lot. I like to exercise in a pool whenever I can.
  • AmazonianNat
    AmazonianNat Posts: 13 Member
    thank you both for replying! I shall get googling plantar fasciitis and try what you recommend!
  • drazani
    drazani Posts: 98 Member
    It could be down to incorrect footwear or maybe you strike down on the left heel harder than on the other side, you could try trainer inserts to see if this helps....would be interesting to see other peoples advice on this
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I would have problems with this as well, I think its a weakness in that area? I find a muscle rub containing Ibuprofen really helps and I just kept exercising and found the pain has diminished almost completely :)
  • AmazonianNat
    AmazonianNat Posts: 13 Member
    Brilliant! Thanks all...I'll keep at it! If it continues I shall definitely go to the Dr but having now had a look at Plantar Fasciitis it appears I have all the signs and symptoms! New footwear is going to be purchased this weekend!

    Thanks again! :)
  • oneman1
    oneman1 Posts: 11 Member
    Plantar fasciitis
    I have it
    Need good pair of trainer with gel heel insoles
    And plenty of stretching after exercise
    And have rest days to recover with stretching