This is hopless :'(( !!!!!

ok ... I'm kinda in a panic mood cuz i think my weight stopped from dropping ... I really need to lose weight before collage and it's killing me ...

I was eating and exercising in a healthy way ... my weight was like dropping normally ...

but when the scale stoped from moving a week ago i started eating less and doing TaeBo daily ... it's really not healthy but still ... my weight just stopped !!! :sad: what is going on ??!!


  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    Breathe...and keep going. Sometimes your body takes a time out. I lost 45 lbs in 2006 to join the Army and during my trial and error diet I had a stand still for 2 weeks. After busting my butt and starving myself, I finally said screw it and ate a taco salad from taco bueno (43g of fat) and when i weighed in that week I was down 4 lbs. didn't make any sense, but I went back to working out and eating right and I began to lose again. The human body is a strange thing and can be highly unpredictable. Don't stop trying. You will break it.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    You have lost 77 lbs, how fantastic is that? Are you saying that your weight stopped dropping for one week? If so, that is very normal. You cannot expect to lose every single week. Just do what you are doing (and make sure you are eating enough) and you will eventually start to drop again. Sometimes it takes a week, sometimes a few, but don't give up!
  • thenebean9
    thenebean9 Posts: 216
    don't fret! sometimes we all hit a plateau and get stuck at a weight for a while. just keep doing what you're doing, drink more water, and be patient! don't get down - it's just what happens during the whole weight loss process! hang in there!! :)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    You're probably not eating enough. Re-evaluate your goals. If you've lost more than 10 lbs since joining MFP, you need to update this (every 10 lbs lost!) Also, you've already lost a great deal...change up your work out routine or get rid of something in your diet you know you should eat less of or stop eating altogether. Are you getting at least 25g of fiber each day and 25-30% protein? If not, definitely do that. Drink a LOT of water - at least half your weight in OUNCES.

    If you're not strength training, definitely start lifting some weights. Building muscle helps burn fat even at rest so it will come in handy and should help you shed those lbs!
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Make sure you are eating what MFP tells you to eat, including your exercise calories. That number is there for a reason- anything less can make your body think that its not getting enough and it will store fat. Also, you mentioned Tae Bo, but nothing else. You have to switch up your workouts, because your body will adapt to what you are doing. So try something new, and make it intense. You aren't going to lose very much if you are barely breaking a sweat. I was stuck at one weight for 3 weeks. I was eating great and exercising, but not losing. So instead of my brisk walk, I would throw in some jogging. I rode my bike on a harder gear for longer amounts of time, and I started losing again. So that's my advice. It's not going to be easy. But try a different workout or a greater intensity. Your body is probably used to what you are doing. Best of luck.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi darlin, do you mix up your calorie amount? I mean, like one day eat too many and the next too few? I do that, quite by accident at first but now I sometimes just do it on purpose. I stopped losing for over a week and I know I haven't lost like you have but, I just wonder if that might help? I can't see your diary so I don't know if you intake fluctuates;) Just a thought, hugs, and it will get goin again;) denise
    ok ... I'm kinda in a panic mood cuz i think my weight stopped from dropping ... I really need to lose weight before collage and it's killing me ...

    I was eating and exercising in a healthy way ... my weight was like dropping normally ...

    but when the scale stoped from moving a week ago i started eating less and doing TaeBo daily ... it's really not healthy but still ... my weight just stopped !!! :sad: what is going on ??!!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I so appreciate you gals that can do so much exercise-wise. But I have to let you all know that I have hardly exercised other than housework and running errands. That's because I had injured my knee and quite honestly, was afraid to get into anything. I am just starting to walk off and on. My point though is this. I still have steadily lost fat(inches)and feel strong and energetic even without any exercise(the type you gals are talking about). I want to swim and walk, love it, and steadily getting more into it because I want to strengthen my muscle more but you can lose in a healthy manner without working out at a gym, riding a bike etc;) Hugs and ttyl, Denise:)

    Make sure you are eating what MFP tells you to eat, including your exercise calories. That number is there for a reason- anything less can make your body think that its not getting enough and it will store fat. Also, you mentioned Tae Bo, but nothing else. You have to switch up your workouts, because your body will adapt to what you are doing. So try something new, and make it intense. You aren't going to lose very much if you are barely breaking a sweat. I was stuck at one weight for 3 weeks. I was eating great and exercising, but not losing. So instead of my brisk walk, I would throw in some jogging. I rode my bike on a harder gear for longer amounts of time, and I started losing again. So that's my advice. It's not going to be easy. But try a different workout or a greater intensity. Your body is probably used to what you are doing. Best of luck.
  • APerry71
    I don't have any more advice than what has been given so far. They have all been great. Just remember, you're not alone. We are all trying and struggling right along with you. Today is my 20th day and I've really tried and had made a few mistakes so far. I'm only down 1 lb. Very frustrating. All I know is I'm worth being patient for and so are you. The weight loss will kick in again. Try to quit worrying about losing before college starts. Instead, work towards New Years Eve and think about how fabulous you will look all dressed up.
    Good luck!:wink:
  • jldodd
    jldodd Posts: 16
    I know how you feel. I plateued a lot the last time I lost a good amount of weight. I would eat awesome and work out then my weight would stand still. A dinner of Chinese food would always fix it.. no idea why!! Literally, no scale movement for a week or more and then some general tso and voila!! down 2-4 pounds. Hope it works... consistancy will win everytime though so stick with it!!
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    agreed with NWCountryGal, I haven't been exercising too much, mostly just staying on my feet and being up and around all day, doing different things every day, and I've lost 10 pounds since I joined MFP in June. Hon, it is not hopeless!!! You have to make sure you're eating enough. Also - what are you eating? Where is it from? How much of it is a frozen meal, or a strange looking granola bar that promises you extra fiber? I strongly suggest reconnecting with your food and where it might come from. Have you read the omnivore's dilemma by Michael Pollan? Or basically anything Michael Pollan has written? Food is a big, big part of the weight equation as well as the overall health equation. Also, why do you need to lose weight before college? I lost weight DURING college my first year, and I'm coming up on my second, ready to lose more. I started at around 162 and i'm now at 139.5. Something just has to click in your mind, and your body and self will take the weight thing as a huge priority. Please, don't try anything drastic to expedite the process... weight loss takes a long time if you want to do it right and for the long term. It didn't take you 30 days to put on 30 pounds, so don't buy into programs that say you can lose 30 in 30. It's taken me 6 years to figure things out... and the diet/fitness industry is not helping you.