Birthday Celebrations



  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Enjoy your birthday! Certain days are worth suspending the rules. I don't call them "cheat" days because I'm not cheating at all. I'm making a conscious decision to ignore my calorie and macro goals temporarily. Then it's right back to the normal routine the next day.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    My birthday is Sunday and I'm gonna take a cheat day and enjoy!!!
    Happy birthday to u :)
  • tonytedesco
    tonytedesco Posts: 68 Member
    My birthday is Sunday and I'm gonna take a cheat day and enjoy!!!
    Happy birthday to u :)

    Happy Birthday to you too Alyssa :drinker:
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Everyone has their own way of handling celebrations and knowing whether a complete blow out would derail them. I have learned not to let food rule my life or be the center of a celebration. I very much enjoyed my father's 80th birthday celebration and my daughter's wedding and staying very close to my calorie goals. In return, I didn't feel sick to my stomach from eating too much food that my body wasn't used to handling.

    Yes, I ate cake and other delicious things. I added a bit of exercise to allow myself enough extra calories to be reasonable.
  • tonytedesco
    tonytedesco Posts: 68 Member
    My debauchery only had me over by 390 calories yesterday. Kind of lame lol.

    For breakfast I had a big serving of oatmeal... 297 calories.

    This was my best guestimate for the night out as I cannot find Real Sports Bar nutritional info anywhere. Started by sharing some wings (4) - 210 calories.
    Ordered an awesome Triple Threat sandwich with a side order of garlic fries.
    I took a bite of the sammy and realized I was already half full and didn't need the bun. So I just ate the bbq meat (and probably saved myself 300 calories). Together the 3 meats (maybe 2 oz each but I calculated for a lot more) worked out to about 400 calories.

    Garlic Fries - Seasoned probably high in sodium but I figured it was a 4oz serving... I logged 6 just in case - 248 calories

    Dessert was a surprise 2 inch brownie with a bit of ice cream and fresh fruit. My friend helped me eat it... but I will take all the calories just in case I underestimated somewhere. 376 calories

    Had 2 pints of beer.. separated by glasses of water. 418 calories. Walked it off after watching the hockey game. Not a bad result after all.

    Daily goal - 1200
    Daily total - 2030
    Exercise allotment 440

    Over by 390 calories.

    Thanks everyone for the advice, the birthday wishes and keeping me honest.