Cross Fit... How?

I have been reading and seeing a bunch of post regarding cross fit for women. I am really intrigued. I feel this could be really down my ally, I love challenges like this. I want to feel strong, healthy and overall fit.

I had looked at spartan races etc but not only is there nothing anywhere close to where we live but also they are very run focused. Cross fit seems to be much more than that which is really something I like.

I have been looking for a goal, for something specific to work towards and would like to explore this further. Can anyone help me, give me some pointers to get started? Things to look out for? Links?

I have not seen a good plan for exercises/nutrition/preparation for events. At least not something I feel I can clearly distinguish as truly valuable vs. just advertising or a poor resource etc. Any links would be greatly appreciated!

I have a gym membership and general suburban outdoor access. I have a rather full life with family, full-time and part-time job but so far I have been able to shave off an hour or a bit more during the work day (sometimes doing several 1/2 hour work out sessions, sometimes doing one big one at the end of the day) and I saw several high performers do 1-2 hours of work outs during the week So I think I can do this given the right knowledge!

Thank you!!!!