Marathon Training Books

In April of 2014, I plan to run my first full marathon. I am already apart of a running group and will be training with them. However there is much more to running a marathon than just running; nutrition, speed work, etc.

I love to read and was wondering about marathon running book suggestions.

Has there been a book that really helped you? Or one that is great to start with?


  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    Not a book, but I found the training program from Hal Higdon to be amazing. Also, he has books if you want to read up :)
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    I read a book by Jeff Galloway that I really liked. I also followed Hal Higdon's training program. I think you will get the best information from your group though - information they give you and your training runs with them. The group I ran with sent out weekly emails with lots of information and the pace leaders were all experienced marathoners and could answer any question I had. Hopefully your group does that as well.

    Found it. This is the book I read. I didn't do the run/walk program but I found the book very informative.
    Marathon: You Can Do It! details Olympian Jeff Galloway’s revolutionary walk/run training methods that have enabled tens of thousands of people to run marathons. This innovative method opens up marathon running to everyone — not just rock-hard athletes, but also those who may be out of shape, overweight, or past their athletic prime. This updated edition includes the new "magic mile" time trial, fat-burning techniques, adjustments in the weekly schedule to prevent injuries and improve performance, and quick fixes to keep runners motivated during latter stages of marathon.