Hey guys - Josh here.

Hello guys, my name is Josh and I am going to be 22 years old. I am by far the heaviest I have ever been (other than yesterday) at 320 pounds and I feel I am at the tipping point of significant body damage for the rest of my life if I continue eating what I eat. I am hoping that I am more likely to stick to a stable regiment by posting here. Thank you.


  • piratesluver
    piratesluver Posts: 105 Member
    I'm sending good vibes!

    I'm also at the heaviest I've ever been. I only weighed 110lbs (I'm short) up until a few years ago and then I plumped right out in University, and haven't been the same. Today's my 15th day though, so who knows what the future has in store?!?!
  • nrobenolt
    nrobenolt Posts: 57 Member
    welcome and good luck........its a great program you will do well!