San Diego Zoo

Hi All ~

Ok so I am going to the San Diego Zoo this weekend with some family. I have to admit I am terrified. I usually try to avoid things like this. I have not really slept in 2 nights because of being anxious about going to the zoo as a large adult.
I have heard something about a tour bus and Skytram. I'm always afraid of not fitting, getting stuck, etc. I was wondering if anyone has been there recently and can give any recommendations, suggestions and/or advice.
Things to avoid, things to do. Or maybe just to help calm this fear.

Thanks :)


  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Oh, I'm so sorry to hear you feel that way. :cry:

    I went to the San Diego Zoo at least 15 years ago, so I can not offer any advice, but I have to tell you, it is a fantastic zoo. Just enjoy yourself and the beautiful animals you will see.

    You could contact the zoo to inquire as to whether there are any weight restrictions for the different attractions.

    I hope you have a fantastic trip and don't forget to wear sunscreen. There is so much to see, it makes for a long day in the summer sun.
  • sno_flakee
    sno_flakee Posts: 11 Member
    You will be fine... We went last year. The bus is a double decker and we sat on top. There are handicapped seats, and also room to stand if you would like. It's a beautiful zoo. Don't worry - and have a great time.
  • Scncartist
    Scncartist Posts: 173
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the San Diego zoo!!!!! Its freak'n FANTASTIC!

    So here it is: the sky tram has lots room on it. Two average adults can sit on either side and have space. There isn't any funky barrier in the middle that would inhibit your ability to get in and out of.

    Its been a while since I've been on the bus, but if I recall its a little bigger than your average bus. If you can get in and out of your city bus you shouldn't have any issues. If its a little tough, climb in on the bottom part and find a seat up front. I think you should be ok.

    If you choose to walk: there are benches EVERYWHERE! You'll always find a spot to sit and rest. There are moving walk ways to help get you up the steepest of steep slopes.

    Take it slow and steady. Drink your water. :-) Worst case scenario I do believe they rent scooters if you need. :-)

    Most importantly: HAVE FUN AND ENJOY YOURSELF!!!!! :-)
  • Scncartist
    Scncartist Posts: 173
    Double post? Whats up with that?!?!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    The first step is to relax. The zoo is fun and should be enjoyed and even if you find yourself in an awkward position just take solace in knowing that you're on your way out and soon it won't ever be a problem again! Also, walking around the zoo all day is great exercise and you get to see some really awesome things while being with your family!

    As far as not fitting or getting stuck... employee's will be able to tell if you fit or not. There are weight limits posted. Many precautions are taken in everyday life and especially in public areas with so much human traffic.

    I always preferred the wild animal park over the zoo. As far as what you do while you're there I say go with the moment... and definitely stop by the new polar bear plunge! Also, they're celebrating Panda's this week/end so I'm sure there will be many fun stuff to check out in that regard.

    Check out the site:
    That'll help you plan ahead and if you see something you aren't sure about (weight limits, etc) customer service should be able to help with that!

    HAVE FUN! :D
  • HealthyEscape
    I'm blessed that I live in San Diego and I am a member of the SD Zoo/Wild Animal Park. My boyfriend and I go to each one at least 1x a month or more. Most importantly, just have fun! Enjoy the time with your family and smile thinking about all the calories you will burn!