Hi there I'm 25 and beginning my weight loss journey

I'm not sure what to say but I figure what can I lose. I was always a healthy weight but after my parents got divorced when i was 13 I turned to food and it has unfortunetly been all down hill from there. I've tried dieting before but my heart has never been in it. But then i had my "aha" moment when i realised that my choosing not to do anything about it was holding myself back from so many opportunities. Right now i am at 325 pounds and my goal weight is 160. It seems like an unoptainable goal but i am trying to take it one step at a time.


  • Yavi389
    Yavi389 Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome girly!! I know exactly what you mean. I'm here for ya if you ever need someone to talk to.
  • anlu37
    anlu37 Posts: 100 Member
    So glad you're here! I always tell my kids that by making no decision, they are in fact, making a decision!

    I hear ya about feeling like you'll never get there. You don't climb a mountain in one step. It's lots and lots and lots of little steps. You will get there if you remain dedicated.

    I have found something that has really been helping me not feel overwhelmed. I made a list of over 150 fitness goals. They are listed in my profile if you'd like to look at them. I feel like a bad *kitten* every time I cross something off my list! It fuels me to keep going. Another thing that really helps is that I celebrate every 5 lbs with a non-food reward. I also eat whatever I want. Just not whenever I want it. I go by a 90-10 rule. 90% of the time, I eat on track in my calorie limit. 10% of the time, I eat whatever. This helps me stay sane on days I have to just pick up pizza for the family or we are attending a dinner party or going out for a special occasion. It takes away all the guilt of having a hamburger and fries on occasion.

    Friend me if you want to. I'm pretty active on here. It keeps me focused!
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    Welcome!! Don't get intimidated by the large amount you have to lose. You didn't gain the weight overnight and you won't lose it overnight. Make small goals so that you can celebrate small victories as you go along. Oh and on this site we celebrate NSVs (non scale victories) such as using a smaller belt hole, being able to cross your legs, walking around the block, lowering blood pressure, saying no to the second piece of cake, etc. Start slow and make changes that you can sustain, don't go all crazy saying you are never going to eat cake and are going to exercise three hours a day!!! Start by walking for 10 min (or whatever you can do), drinking more water, adding veggies to your plate, etc. It takes a month to form a habit so after a month make some more small changes. Find some like minded people on here to be your friend and seek out support when you are struggling and when you want to share something you succeeded at. Like I said we celebrate every success, no matter how small you may think it is. This is a long journey so you need great people around who have been where you are and will be there for you.

    Most of all, have faith in yourself. You can do this!!! You will stumble but just pick yourself back up and move on. Oh I can't even tell you how often I stumble but I just keep going. That is all you can do, just keep going and before you know it you will be down in weight and have gained a fitness level you hadn't thought you were capable of.

    Friend me if you would like :)
  • wallacehk
    Welcome! I don't have as much to lose, but am 25 and new to this as well. Add me if you'd like