Green Tea

So I get my exercise in and log my food. But I was talking with a girl from work about Green Tea and she said that she added it in to her repertoire for weight loss. So I bought a can of Matcha (?) green tea. Has anyone tried this? how do you use it? Mix it with water? I've heard a variety of ways but wondered if anyone had found a good way.


  • chrisec
    chrisec Posts: 1
    I'm also trying out green tea. But I just bought the tea bags and am seeping them in hot water for 2-3 minutes. Much longer than that and the taste is too strong for me.
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    I've been taking Green Tea extract in capsule form and I do think it gives me more energy. It does not contain added caffeine. As far as weight loss, I'm not sure because I am still losing about the same rate.