Unrealistic self-image?

Hello everyone. I am very new here.

It is very inspiring to see how many people really progress towards their goal, doing so by changing their lifestyle and not by quick fixes.

I guess my biggest problem with my weight has been that I don't really feel that fat, despite my bathroom scale and my clothes telling me otherwise. I have let myself go quite a bit, now weighing nearly 80 kg, far for my ideal weight of 60, which I was about 5 years ago.

I only appreciate how fat I am when I see pictures of myself, not when I see myself in the mirror, which makes me feel it is ok to have that cookie or that piece of cake.

Does it happen to you guys as well?


  • Yeah, this definitely happens to me when I gain weight. I can't really tell a difference in my weight when I look in the mirror, I guess because it's so gradual? I can only tell a difference when I see a picture of myself at a different weight. When I am overweight and I see a picture of myself I don't particularly like it. When I lose weight and then I see a picture of myself I am typically a lot more pleased with it. I keep pictures of myself at heavier weights (even if it's like 5lbs more) on my computer so I can remember what a huge difference a small amount of fat makes in my face and how I look overall. Might sound ridiculous to others but I have little self-awareness when just looking in the mirror -- for some reason photographs convey weight changes much more clearly to me.

    An old roommate of mine used to keep a photo of herself at her heaviest next to a photo of herself at the thinnest posted in her bathroom, and while I've never done this myself (for fear of becoming too obsessive about my weight) this did help her maintain her ideal weight. Might be a bit extreme for most people, I realize but it could help motivate you to put down that extra bit of cake when you remember what you ACTUALLY look like.