post pregnancy weight =[

im 24 and gained 60 lbs with baby number 2 sadly only 20 is gone. I really struggle with "dieting". i don't eat junk food we eat healthy i'm just having a hard time getting it off and starting to be discouraged.. any advice or tips would be appreciated I have no friends since becoming a stay at home mom!


  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Alot of times people think because you dont eat junk, you cant gain weight or have a difficult time losing weight.

    You need to ensure you are eating often enough, every 2-3 hours. Make sure you are eating your required amount of calories, and not over eating or not eating enough. Drink alot of water. Ensure you have lots of fruits and veggies in your diet. Try and minimize your salt intake as well.

    If you arent alreayd doing so, try and incorporate excercise in your daily life

  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Also...eating healthy DOES NOT mean eating light. I always considered myself an extremely healthy eater. I eat fish, fruit, veggies, and whole wheat only. No processed flour, beef, sweets, fried foods, or even much chicken. When I started this site I thought just for fun I'd plug in what I used to eat and see how many calories. 2500-3000!!!!! Moral- if you bite it, write it. Keep track and you will see what a difference it makes. Good luck to you!!!
  • DoreenN
    DoreenN Posts: 60
    This is a great website for you then, because this will make you keep track of what you are eating. Like what has been said just because you dont eat junk food doesnt mean you are eating healthy. I had the same problem a few years ago. I was 35 lbs overweight and didnt know what I could lose weight, because I thought I ate healthy.
    I kept a food log and realized I ate way too many carbs. So I cut down on the carbs I ate and starting eating the healthy carbs, and I lost 35 lbs in 6 months.
    You can do it. If you need motivation, support, and help I would be happy to guide you along the way.
    I just had a baby 3 weeks ago, and live in a new town, so I too dont have many friends since Im basically a stay at home mom.
    Friend me if you would like. I would love to help you!
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176

    im currently shifting the baby lbs lol.
    i gained 4st first baby, never lost a lb, gained actually due to having implant then baby 2 on way put on 2st.

    if want add me as friend, feel free. Watch what you eat better, move more & drink loads water.