Time to get back into shape

For most of my life I was slender & active, and about 5-6 yrs ago for some reasons I stopped going out for walks/jogs like I used to. Next thing you know the scale starts slowly creeping up & up until one day recently I looked at myself in the mirror and asked myself why am I doing this to myself?

That was 4 months ago, I was 211lbs.

I drink absolutely nothing but water & 100% orange juice, eat 99% vegan (little bit of chicken every now & then) and walk/jog daily....

Today I weigh in at 176, Im out buying new clothes & lovin' it.....But why stop there?

I already have a 2 pack, why not go for all 6? So within the next week I plan on joining a gym and to start doing some core exercises to tighten up my mid section and tone up my upper body. I've achieved my goal of getting into a healthy BMI, which is now at 24.6, the high end to a new goal of getting that "swimmers body".
Exercise is the best medicine for the mind & body, it took some time to overcome the bad eating habits & to force myself to get off the sofa & out the door but now that I dropped over 30 pounds its becoming addictive and I want more!

I'm glad to be a part of this forum, the daily food diary has helped me track my food intake and I enjoy reading about others success stories which continue to boost my motivation. I hope my own success & input can motivate & help others as well....

please feel free to send me a friends request!