Nauseated from hunger?


Lately when I get hungry I also get nauseated and I'm a little concerned and wondering if this happens to anyone else. Its not with the initial hunger, just if I let it fester too long because either I am out of snack or because dinner is just not ready yet. I get hungry, my tummy rumbles and about half an hour to an hour later I feel nauseous.

Hubby says it's cuz I "can't live off the fat of the land as much anymore" now that I am within my healthy weight. Seems a little silly though - I didn't ever imagine thin people ever experienced this!

Any ideas? Others who share this problem?


  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    I would eat a tsp of peanut butter (or 2)and some carrot sticks, apple slices, celery, etc just something to tide you over til dinner time if you're experiencing this hunger right before its time to eat. Mabye you aren't getting enough calories prior to this hunger? Just a thought
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I'm totally feeling this way right now, started cleaning and was a little hungry, then i got super i'm drinking a protein shake...but i get naseaus if i'm too hungry also
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    Same thing happens to me, if I wait too long to eat. I just have learned to keep something handy, even if it's just a couple of whole grain crackers. Anything helps, I know it's not a health issue for me, because I've had it checked out. I just think when you end up with nothing in your stomach for long periods of time the stomach acids start to build up and make you nauseated.

    Have an extra snack or maybe change the time you are snacking.

    Good luck!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    You might want to have a small healthy snack before your next meal.
    I think you are waiting too long between your meals. I hope this
    helps. Or drink some tomato juice just to keep you going a little longer.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    That usually means that your blood sugar is low, and you are going too long without eat. Try eating something with a little protein. I like to eat a piece of cheese or two, that usually helps me.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    i get it too. i genuinely think its from the stomach not having anything to it attempts to digest air with acid...hence a stomachache...It make sense in my head at least
  • leg8
    leg8 Posts: 49
    This happens to me because I am hypo-glycemic. Eat a substantial breakfast and healthy snacks every 2-3 hours. (nuts, apples, granola bars are ALWAYS in my purse). If it gets to be really annoying you can get some tests done at the doctor to make sure its nothing more serious.

    Congrats on losing 60 pounds by the way - amazing!
  • jennylynn84
    Thanks everyone! That actually makes me feel loads better. When my blood sugar used to drop I would get really lightheaded, but that doesn't seem to happen just that "excess stomach acid" nausea. Ironic and cruddy because it makes you not really want to eat!