Paranoid I'm dropping to fast...

I've lost a stone (14lb) in 3 weeks. Just from changing my eating habits and doing a bit of exercise (starting C25K). My starting weight was 202lb and I'm now 188lb.

However I've seen mention that if I'm doing vigourous exercise (and the jogging in C25K is HARD for me!) I could be burning muscle not fat... o.O I don't HAVE that much muscle.

Could I genuinely be losing that much fat in 3 weeks (4lb, 4lb and 6lb weekly)? Or am I losing something else?


  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Xarra. I would seriously doubt if are burning muscle. You have quite a bit to lose. Just keep eating healthy and enough. I suggest you make your diary open to get a better idea of what you are eating if you wish to have feedback on that. Mine is open.

    :heart: Rebel :heart:
  • Purpleglowingsmurf
    Purpleglowingsmurf Posts: 12 Member
    Great job! i wouldnt worry if your being healthy you should be just fine!
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    OK, diary open. :)

    I am WELL aware I'm eating too much sugar - but I've always had a sweet tooth and it's WAY better than what I was eating! is typical of my 'before' diet on a work day... And you'd normally add a bit of lunch in there... And, yes, I feel SILLY having eaten all that...
  • gvcgoldmedal
    Depending on your protein intake you can be burning through muscle, but not anywhere near that much. If you're jogging your building muscle in your legs (arms and core to a lesser extent). Do you feel exhausted all the time? Have you been sick the past 3 weeks? Do you cramp in your legs, feet, and or hands? Are you drinking enough water a day? If you have energy, aren't sick and not experiencing cramping I'd say keep it up. Its sounds like your body is doing a great job of adjusting to the new diet and lifestyle and churning out the pounds. Enjoy this, because soon enough you'll probably drop back down to the 1-2lbs a week.
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    No sickness, more energy than I've had in AGES, and no cramps. :)

    I'll enjoy it while it lasts then! :)
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    So, is my diary OK?
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    So, is my diary OK?

    :laugh: You have absolutely no fear of burning muscle! I am happy for you that you are losing quickly. I believe that is because you have a lot to lose and in the beginning weight loss can happen rapidly. It will likely slow down.

    :flowerforyou: You are definitely not overdoing it on the exercise. You are getting plenty of protein. In fact I would consider that too high. You may want to set you fat requirements lower as well and set your fiber level to 30g/day.

    For your food intake I would suggest to learn how to eat real food instead of processed. Shop for your food in the produce section and load up.

    With respect to sugar. Sugar in processed foods (including your replacement meal diet foods/bars/drinks) is at a high level and is not the same at all as getting sugar from whole foods such as your bananas, blueberries etc.

    :flowerforyou: Good for you to start incorporating some veggies today, onions, mushrooms, peppers and a potato. Those are good carbs, calories and fiber. Sweet potato or yam is even better than the regular potatoes.

    :smile: I think you have started a great journey to health. You will figure it out as you start experimenting and do what is right for you.

    There is lots of support on MFP. Find some friends who are similar in age and circumstances. That is what I did and I have never felt so well supported as here.

    Good luck!!

    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart: