What to do after a MAJOR cheat day?

Today I binged. I will say it. It was a bing.
Throughout the day I ate

Sausage biscuit
Pumpkin cupcake
Baked chicken thigh and leg
Collard greens
red velvet cake
Apples and grapes
Carmel cake
2 puff pastries
2 mini cake things
Taco dip and chips
Big in a blanket
Chicken salad
Humming bird cake
Peach pie
Chicken strips (grilled)
2 chips ahoy cookies
More taco dip
Spinach dip
Salad with a little thousand island
Cheddar cheese chips

Yeah.....I'm about to explode. I feel horrible but today has been full of game day parties, bridal showers and cheer competitions. Even though I was full, I kept eating because my brain was saying "you've already screwed today up. Eat everything you want. It can be your cheat." But I wasn't planning on having a cheat because I gained a pound last week :(

Ugh! What should I do? I'm going to try to just eat really clean and stay away from the scale until least Wednesday to avoid me from having a total breakdown and how much that scales going to shoot up.


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Take it as a lesson learned and move on. One day isn't going to screw you, it's just a minor setback. Live and learn. Life happens. Get back to it tomorrow. :)
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    Get off your butt and go for a walk. After a day like that I go to bed early...get up early...get a very long walk in even if it means walking with a flash light.

    Move on and start fresh in the morning. Don't beat yourself up.

    You have lost 77 lbs. YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO! Hug yourself!

    Shirley in Oregon GO DUCKS starting at 7 pm Oregon time.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    Oh...I forgot...RECORD it. Then go for another walk.
  • uhhhahhhohah
    this is why you don't plan cheat days. you had a special occasion and you went big instead of going home - occasions like these should always be your cheat days where you just go all in and don't worry. there's nothing wrong with that. don't beat yourself up, you didn't binge because of mood eating or other harmful thinking patterns. this was supposed to make you feel good.

    definitely don't do anything different in the following days. you just go back to normal. if you starve yourself or do something stupid like burn yourself out by increasing your activity far more than normal you're just going to put yourself into a negative cycle of poor thinking patterns and putting yourself down. it's happened before to limitless people and has been objectively observed in studies, don't fall into the trap.

    worst case you delayed your end goal by 1-3 days. who care about 3 days when you're on a monthly/yearly mission.

    you're looking good girl, you should feel good. don't falter. keep going.
  • AlexB422
    Judging from your pictures maybe its time you stop looking at the scale so much. At this point are you still trying to lose weight?

    Maybe your issue now might be something people here on mfp can't help you with. Just sayin.

    I'm not trying to lose, but I'm sure not trying to gain, which I have. If anything I'm trying to lose the 2 pounds I've gained back.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Just get right back on schedule the next day without giving it a second thought. It's the after guilt that can get you, don't let it.
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I had a HORRIBLE day on either Wed or Thursday. I couldn't eat enough food to satisfy what I was feeling. I know food wasn't the answer...but it managed to numb me and the following day I knew I'd be bloated and feeling gross for probably a few days. Friday I went to the gym and did almost 90 minutes of cardio and weights. I feel better today after most of the bloat is gone. Some days are just going to be horrible for me, especially around TOM. I try to get in extra activity, drink more fluids and try to just eat less junk for the next few days. It usually evens itself out. After a major binge I can gain like 4-5 lbs overnight just from the bulk of the food and water retention. It does come off in a few days. I'm going to stick to about 2000 cal/day and make sure I get in my activity. I think this will be the best solution for me. I've been trying to lose weight "the quick way" by losing .5-1 lb/wk for the last decade and I'm still at the same weight. I'd eat 1400 one day, 2500 the next and yo yo back and forth. Going to see what happens over the rest of the year doing this and if I lose 4-5 lbs I'll be happy because then I'll know I can continue to do this and keep losing until my body hits it's set point...which I'm hoping is around 155. :bigsmile:
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    Realize how much fun you had at all those celebrations!!! And how yummy the food was!!! Start fresh the next day. No big deal. How does the quote go?

    Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.
  • AlexB422
    Judging from your pictures maybe its time you stop looking at the scale so much. At this point are you still trying to lose weight?

    Maybe your issue now might be something people here on mfp can't help you with. Just sayin.

    I'm not trying to lose, but I'm sure not trying to gain, which I have. If anything I'm trying to lose the 2 pounds I've gained back.

    What's your height and weight?

    5'4 and 110. I used to be more toned and my stomachs muscles were more noticeable but after my weight gain, my stomach has become more flabby if that's the word.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I think you need to get right on the scale and face the consequences of binging. There is no such thing as cheating; you cheat yourself out of success, that's all. You have lost weight already, and you know exactly what to do. It's a life change not a diet. Good luck.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Just eat 200 calories under your goal for a couple weeks or something.
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    I do a 24 hour fast after my weekends. For me it acts like a reset. That said, I am 41 not 20 and have been doing this for a long time. I know what works and what does not work for me.
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    Listen at 5'4 110 you don't need to worry about 2 measly lbs. If you want to feel not so "flabby" then maybe go start doing strength training.

    You will not weigh 110 lbs every day for the rest of your life and attempting to do so by beating yourself up may very well leave you with an ED.

  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    I think you need to get right on the scale and face the consequences of binging. There is no such thing as cheating; you cheat yourself out of success, that's all. You have lost weight already, and you know exactly what to do. It's a life change not a diet. Good luck.

    Sorry but I disagree. And think this is really bad advice.

  • justineismoney
    justineismoney Posts: 29 Member
    I think the last thing you need to worry about is weight if you are 5'4" and 110. If anything you are on the low side of healthy weight.
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    run... and bacon:flowerforyou: